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 Yes, this was a good article. As I wrote before, the statements of the head of 
CONAIE on October 6 and of PACHAKUTIK on September 30, both show they supported 
the coup d'etat which failed, regardless of a NED smoking gun.
  The only question now is did they receive NED money or not. For that, it will 
be worthwhile to keep up with what is on Eva Golinger's blog for October 7.  It 
is possible they supported the coup for free, as a free service to US 
imperialism, but I wouldn't bet on that. 
  In any case, they supported the coup. 
The Alleged Coup d’Etat, Democracy, and the Indigenous Organizations

By Marlon Santi

President, CONAIE

(my italics)

We, the Federation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE, in
its Spanish initials) and the Pachakutik Bloc, in response to the
events of September 30, 2010, and the claims made in recent days about
the alleged support by USAID-NED to indigenous organizations,
standing firmly on our historic process of bringing about a true
Pluri-national State, announce:

The struggle of the peoples and nationalities is not an individual
one, rather, it corresponds to the collective dream of constructing a
diverse country, inclusive of the diverse popular and social organized
sectors that seek a real change to end the old neoliberal,
exploitative structures and the decolonization of the institutions of
the State. We seek a pluri-national democracy, respectful of the
rights of individuals, of collective organizations and of nature.

We energetically announce that there never was any attempted coup
d’etat, much less a kidnapping, but an event that responded to the
uncertain political management of the government that causes popular
discontent through permanent aggression, discrimination and violations
of human rights consecrated in the Constitution.

We do not recognize this dictatorial “democracy” because of its lack
of freedom of speech, the kidnapping of all the powers of the state by
the executive branch in its political system of one government, that
does not generate spaces to debate the projects, and laws elaborated
from the indigenous movement and other social sectors.

We categorically refute claims that the CONAIE, the Pachakutik
Political Movement, the peoples and nationalities have any
relationship at all with the organism known as USAID, previously NED,
not today nor ever. To the contrary, we know that this organization
finances the “social programs” of this government like the forest
partnership and that, yes, is condemnable.

We demand the constitutional suspension of the National Congress for
its failure to comply with the constitutional mandate that it
legislate much less audit as it is well known that all laws are
approved by the president’s legal minister.

We condemn the usurpation of press freedom when on September 30 all
media not allied with the government was forced to broadcast
government news in “cadena nacional,” a means by which all access to
information is controlled and manipulated with a version of the facts
that does not inform about the real dimensions of the situation on
that day in the country.

Quito, Ecuador, October 6, 2010

Government of the Peoples and Nationalities,

Marlon Santi

  Does this support the coup? Well literally, no, it denies there was a coup.
Does he condemn the coup - no. 
Does he call for the suspension of the National Congress? yes.
Does he support the actions of the Correa gov. to defend itself against the 
coup? No. 
Does he criticize the coup-plotters? No.
Dooes he criticize the statement (below) of Pachakutik which called on 
Equadorians to actively support the coup? No.
SINGLE NATIONAL FRONT (September 30, 2010)

Press Release 141

In the face of the serious political turmoil and internal crisis generated by 
the dictatorial attitude of President Rafael Correa, who has violated the 
rights of public servants as well as society, the head of the Pachakutik 
Movement, Cléver Jiménez, called on the indigenous movement, social movements 
and democratic political organizations to form a single national front to 
demand the exit of President Correa, under the guidelines established by 
Article 130, Number 2 of the Constitution, which says: “The National Assembly 
will dismiss the President of the Republic in the following cases: 2) For 
serious political crisis and domestic turmoil.”

Jiménez backed the struggle of the country’s public servants, including the 
police troops who have mobilized against the regime’s authoritarian policies 
which are an attempt to eliminate acquired labor rights. The situation of the 
police and members of the Armed Forces should be understood as a just action by 
public servants, whose rights have been made vulnerable.

This afternoon, Pachakutik is calling on all organizations within the 
indigenous movement, workers, democratic men and women to build unity and 
prepare new actions to reject Correa’s authoritarianism, in defense of the 
rights and guarantees of all Ecuadorans.

Press Secretary


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