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On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 7:10 PM, DW <dwalters...@gmail.com> wrote:

> "I talked with a young ISOer at the recent Statewide Conference Against the
> Budget Cuts. African-American he became radicalized in the Navy. Should he
> not of been 'defended' because he originally enlisted? He is a phenomically
> intellegent young Marxist who probably wouldn't be one had he not had that
> experience. I'm not arguing FOR enlisting, I'm just not willing to help
> them
> compose their letters of request to join the Tea Party like some of you
> seem
> to.
> I think most of you who rush to condemnation had ought to walk in their
> footsteps a bit first, or at least be in the same room with some of the
> people who sign up and *listen* to them before lecturing."..
Well said. I've talked to young people who enlisted, who said  being in the
military was a hell of a lot better than being homeless and unemployed. I
totally understand. With education costs increasing over twice the overall
inflation rate since 1970 VA benefits are the only option for those wishing
to pursue post secondary education. During some of the hard times I've been
through, had I not been over aged I would have went back in. Adam correctly
reminded us all of the positive response that returning Vietnam vets, my
self included, received from anti war activists. Until we have a society
with guaranteed employment, at a liveable wage, with the right to unionize,
or a minimum income, the military will continue to be an attractive option
for many.

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