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On Nov 12, 2010, at 8:34 AM, S. Artesian wrote:
> Right, so in the meantime, you sanction the theft of the artifacts,
The "theft" of the antiquities, if theft it was (who were they then  
"owned" by?) took place long ago.  So how and by whom are the long- 
dead "thieves" to be "sanctioned?"
> and  their display for the benefit of the [long-dead] thieves
Museums, as far as I know, are open to the public (though it is  
possible that various mafias have private museums in which stolen  
*european* artworks are displayed for the benefit exclusively of  
>   Making judgements on state religions
It is indeed my judgment that the state religion of modern Egypt holds  
the Gods to whom these antiquities were devoted in utter contempt.  Is  
there anything wrong about that judgment? Isn't it obvious?
> in order to support the  religion of looting.
The only devotion to the religion of looting visible here is that of  
Mr. Hawass,  who seems devoted to the religion of looting  museums  
open to the people of the world in order to lock the loot up in the  
museums of the Egyptian Islamic state.  (And the same goes for those  
contemporary Greeks who seek to lock the Hellenic antiquities devoted  
to the Olympian Gods in the museums of the Orthodox Christian Greek  
state--its not as if they will ever restore the Parthenon as a  
functioning temple for Pallas Athene!)

>> When the state religion of Egypt ceases to be that of the Arabians  
>> and
>> returns to that of the Egyptians I will consider sympathizing with
>> that demand.  But until they can return to a home that honors them  
>> and
>> is not ruled by the desert iconoclasts, these antiquities, the common
>> heritage of humanity, should rest safely and comfortably right where
>> they are now.
>> Shane Mage
>> Porphyry in his Abstinance from Animal Flesh suggests that there
>> are appropriate offerings to all the Gods, and to the highest the
>> only offering acceptable is silence.

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