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 > The Pentagon Papers counted because the US had lost control of the
 > battlefield.

   Call me dense, but I hope the "battlefield" you're talking about is 
public opinion. Because from my view, the military situation in Afghanistan 
isn't much better than in Vietnam.

 > Nobody's disgusted who wasn't disgusted before.
 > Why is that?
 > A:  Because there is no draft

   That is one huge key. The Pentagon knew exactly what it was doing when it 
got rid of the draft and created a professional, volunteer army.

 > B:  Because everybody already knows that the lies are lies, torture is
 > torture, etc. and  one side thinks all of that is justified, or at the
 > very worst, the few broken eggs needed to make the omelet.

   True, but I have to wonder if it's more than that. Community has declined 
dramatically since the 60s. This can be measured in everything from the 
increased number of hours watching TV to the fewer number of friends people 
have. That combined with even more relentless "individualism" and 
the "greed is good" mentality that permeates our culture, could it be that 
the American people as a whole have simply become less compassionate, more 
vicious and more callous to the suffering of others?

"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are 
evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it." -- Albert 

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