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Then again, we had the Chetnik Great Serbian chauvinist collaborators of the
Axis in World War 2, Chetnik having been also aptly used as a political
epithet by Milosevic's political opponents against him and his followers in
the 80s and 90s.  Emblematic of that,  forces allied with Milocevic have
been demanding that Tito's remains be disinterred from his tomb in Belgrade
and sent back to Zagreb based on his ethnicity, at least according to Tito's
grandson. So let's not be too knee jerk in our analysis.  Like the Irish in
1916, the Muslims of Bosnia and Kosovo had the right to accept material aid
from whomever.  To me it is ironic, looking for example at the review pages
of Johnstone's books on amazon, to see leftists lining up with anti-Islamic
bigots worthy of O'Reilly and Beck.  The Machiavellian dictum, often
ascribed to Mao, that your enemies enemy is your friend, has a lot of
applicability, but it is not a universal substitute for a concrete analysis
that starts from the facts.

On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 3:56 PM, Paddy Apling <e.c.apl...@btinternet.com>wrote:

> ======================================================================
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ======================================================================
>   The Serbs were the leading elements in the Yugoslav partisans (in spite
> of the fact that their charismatic leader was the Croat Josep Broz Tito) -
> and consequently were those who must be castigated as the "hated dictators"
> of the period.
> As one who was young, and in the British army in those crucial years of
> 1944-48, it seems so simple to understand the REAL forces and interests
> involved in so much that occurred afterwards - and I constantly find it so
> difficult to understand why so many of those,  who believe they are on the
> left - and even revolutionary - find it so difficult to understand which
> side they should be on. (Do they not even know that Croatia was a puppet
> republic under the Nazis ?)
> Paddy
> http://apling.freeservers.com
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