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certainly not, anymore than we would support racist attacks on undocumented
Mexican immigrant workers by "redneck" American working class people who
don't know any better; anymore than we would support Russian poor peasants
who joined in pogroms; anymore than we would support lynching in the Old
South.  Fundamentally these are racist and chauvinist movements cooked up by
sections of the ruling class to divert plebeian social anger towards
scapegoats and divide the working class and popular masses.  They must be
opposed, as when so acting these oppressed people are acting as oppressors.
 The program and perspective of "proletarian internationalism" was one of
the socialist movement's great strengths.  Sadly too many socialists later
degenerated into social patriots who pandered to chauvinism and even racism.
 To me the issue of standing up for the rights of undocumented workers, the
most oppressed and militant section of the working class, is a central
political issue of our time; one that too many, including ostensible
orthodox marxists, want to duck and cover from.

> Should we support the struggle of the exploited Italian workers of the
> Valley of the Po, oppressed as they are by their own bourgeoisie, when
> they fight against the competition provided by cheap non-Italian labor
> in the marketplace by supporting political parties that promote
> expulsion of foreign labor?????
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