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I have not seen Deadwood and one reason is that I do not subscribe to HBO - but 
if the Deadwood tv show protrays Wild Bill Hickcock other than the Gay man that 
he was - then we have a continuation of the homophobic crap foisted previously 
- when ealier U. S. tv shows had portrayed lies about native people and that 
all western cowboys were heteros!!! His
best female friend Calamity Jane was a noted shootist - but her Lesbianism was 
never acknowledged during or since that time.
Bill Hickcock was murdered, shot in the back in Deadwood City, while playing 
cards - and the cards he held became known as the Deadman's Hand, because of 
his murder.

> Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2010 08:53:18 -0800
> From: dwalters...@gmail.com
> Subject: Re: [Marxism] True Grit follow-up
> To: causecollec...@msn.com
> ======================================================================
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ======================================================================
> I was an early booster of Deadwood and participated in the internet campaign
> slamming HBO for canceling the series (they admit if was their biggest
> mistake ever).
> The language of course was a big part of this show. It was liberally
> fictionalized with modern contemporary (vulgar, profane, pornographic,
> etc), terms often interspersed into the 19th Century linguistics spoken
> more in a Shakespearean sort of dialogue than Victorian. I thought this is
> what made the diolague so outstanding, in that the scenes were often
> written, and delivered, as the kind of dialogue one may of heard delivered
> at the Globe Theatre as opposed to American TV. What added to all this was
> the basic historical accuracy of the characters involved...not the way they
> were portrayed...that was fictional...but the actual course of the story arc
> which, while 'interpreted' by the writers, played out pretty much in real
> life...and death.
> I highly recommend that people on this list rent the DVDs of this
> remarkable, well acted, totally fascinating series.
> David
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