"Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General" a écrit :

> -
> ===========================
> The Committee for National Solidarity
> Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU
>  BELGRADE, May 9 (AFP) - Over 20 Serb women in northern Kosovo --
> the wives and relatives of hunger-striking prisoners in a UN-run
> jail -- began a sympathy strike Tuesday, the National Serb Council
> (SNV) said.
>  The women began their hunger strike in a garage close to the
> jail in Kosovska Mitrovica, where the suspected war criminals -- 34
> Serbs, five Roma gypsies and one Macedonian -- are being held, the
> SNV told AFP by telephone.
>  The prisoners, who began their strike on April 10, are
> protesting they have been detained by the UN's mission in Kosovo in
> some cases as long as 10 months, without trial and sometimes without
> charges.
>  They are demanding provisional release if their cases are not
> heard rapidly and impartially.
>  Leaders of the Serb community in the ethnically divided northern
> town, Oliver Ivanovic and Milan Ivanovic and around 100 Serb
> supporters visited the 23 women as they began their parallel
> starvation campaign.
>  The women had announced Monday they would join the hunger strike
> until the prisoners' demands were accepted, sending a letter to UN
> administrator Bernard Kouchner and the UN's Kosovska Mitrovica
> administrator, William Nash.
>  Doctors who visited the striking prisoners Sunday expressed
> concern at the "very serious" medical condition of most of the men.
>  As the prisoners' hunger strike goes into its fifth week, two
> strikers have been hospitalised.
> Secretary General
> Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
> Art historian
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