"Mazibuko K. Jara (by way of Scott Marshall )" a écrit :

> 10 May 2000
> All reports indicate massive and enthusiastic support for today’s general
> strike against job losses and for job creation. The South African Communist
> Party (SACP) salutes the South African working class, under the
> revolutionary leadership of COSATU, for today’s actions.
> The success of the general strike is a clear and strong message to the
> bosses that they must meet the COSATU demands to stop job losses. It is also
> a strong and clear message to our ANC government to take urgent steps to
> meet workers’ demands for amendment of relevant legislation and reviewing
> our economic policies to create new, quality and sustainable jobs. Today’s
> strike was also a conscious offensive against capitalism itself.
> To those who think that the workers’ struggle against job losses ended
> today, let them know not underestimate the resilience, fighting spirit and
> anti-capitalist consciousness of the South African working class.
> Millions of South African workers sacrificed more than R1,5 billion in wages
> lost today. We challenge government and the bosses to donate this money to
> COSATU’s Job Creation Fund. This will be clear indication of their
> seriousness about job losses and job creation.
> Further, we reiterate our calls for the following: -
> 1. Convening of sectoral summits in the next three months to discuss how to
> stop retrenchments and create jobs in each sector of the economy
> 2. Reviewing our country’s economic policies to boost job creation
> 3. The mobilisation of domestic private and public capital (state assets and
> budgetary resources) for job creation through a state led industrial
> strategy
> 4. Defend, extend and strengthen the public sector - Keep state assets in
> public hands
> In conclusion, we call on COSATU, the ANC and other progressive
> organisations to convene People’s Forums Against Job Losses between now and
> July. These forums must be held in townships, rural areas, informal
> settlements, the cities and wherever our people are in order to report back,
> consult our people and plan the way forward in transforming our economy in
> favour of the working class and the poor. In this regard, the SACP will
> mobilise its structures across the country to convene these people’s forums.
> Mazibuko K. Jara (surname Jara)
> Department of Media, Information & Publicity
> South African Communist Party
> Tel: 27 11 339-3621/2
> Cell: 083 651 0271
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