"Siphiwe Mgcina (by way of Scott Marshall )" a écrit :

> Workers today in their hundreds of thousands
> have given the lie to those cynics who
> doubted that South Africa faces a jobs crisis
> of unprecedented proportions.
> Estimates suggest that close to 4 million
> workers have responded to COSATU’s call for
> a general strike.  This is more than double
> COSATU’s own membership of 1,8 million (the federation represents some
> 37,6% of South Africa’s formal non-agricultural work force.
> Reacting to today’s overwhelming support for
> the federation’s demands, General Secretary
> Zwelinzima Vavi said, “The response given by
> the workers of South Africa to our call proves
> once more that the number one problem our
> country is facing is that of unemployment."
> "The success to today’s action comes despite
> massive propaganda claiming our strike to be
> irresponsible or mischievous, and despite
> much intimidation on our members to stay
> away.
> "We call again on business and
> government to address all the demands that
> we have tabled.”
> COSATU President Willie Madisha added,
> “Today’s strike does not mark the end of the
> campaign.  Our struggle for full-time, quality
> jobs goes on.
> "We will continue to press  -  in
> negotiating forums, through NEDLAC, on the
> streets again if necessary  -  for our demands
> to be addressed.”
> COSATU has tabled the following demands as
> part of its Jobs Crisis Campaign to address
> the crisis of unemployment in SA:
> *       Amend the Labour Relations Act to
>     make retrenchments a mandatory issue
>     for negotiations with the union.
> *       Change the Insolvency Act to protect
>     workers in cases of company
>     liquidations.
> *       Renegotiate the National Framework
>     Agreement to halt unilateral
>     restructuring of government or state-
>     owned enterprises.
> *       Put an end to the current accelerated
>     tariff reduction programme to bring
>     South Africa in line with our WTO
>     commitments.
> Lastly, COSATU reiterate its call for a
> thoroughgoing discussion amongst key
> stakeholders in the economy in order to find
> long-term solutions to the structural problems
> that continue to bedevil our economy.  The
> key issues to be discussed in such a CODESA-
> style forum should be the ending of the
> current investment strike by business, and
> the review of all economic policies in the light
> of the unemployment catastrophe.
> COSATU calls on business leaders in particular to
> respond to SACOB’s call for proper
> engagement with the issues and demand we
> have raised.
> COSATU will be convening a Central Executive
> Committee meeting on 16 May to review our
> programme in the light of today’s
> overwhelming support.
> The following gives a provisional regional
> breakdown of the percentage of people who
> have supported the call.  Some marches are
> still in progress, so final figure may well be
> considerably higher.
> *       KwaZulu-Natal-  50% of all workers
>     stayed away from work.
> *       WesternCape  -  the march was attended
>     by 50 000 people, with 75% of the work
>     force supporting the stay-away.
> *       Mpumalanga-  two marches:  Nelspruit
>     has registered 50% stay-away and
>     Middleburg has registered 30% stay-away.
> *       Wits-  support for the stay-away call
>     registered 90% of the work force, with at
>     least 150 000 people turning up for the
>     march.
> *       NorthernProvince  -  the stay-away call
>     registered 50% support, with the march in
>     Pretoria attended by 50 000 people.
> *       WesternTransvaal  -  31 000 people
>     turned up for the marches, with some
>     50% responding to the stay-away call
> *       EasternCape  -  30 000 marched, but
>     70% of the work force supported the
>     general strike.
> *       N   Cape  -  the stay-away call registered
>     50% support, with the marches attended
>     by 30 000.
> Issued by COSATU.
> For further information contact COSATU spokesperson Siphiwe
> Mgcina on 082-821-7456.
> Visit the COSATU web site at http://www.cosatu.org.za/campaigns/jobloss.htm
> for more information.
> Siphiwe Mgcina
> COSATU Spokesperson
> Tel: 27 11 339-4911
> Fax: 27 11 339-7788
> e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;fax:00 33 1 43 81 21 66
tel;home:00 33 1 43 01 01 30
tel;work:00 33 1 43 01 01 30
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