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Numerous political parties in FR Yugoslavia have reacted to the assassination of Bosko 
Perosevic, the chairman of the Executive Council of Vojvodina, the president of the 
Socialists of Novi Sad and federal MP.

The Yugoslav Left's Directorate has expressed its outrage at the assassination of 
Bosko Perosevic. Condemning the atrocious and perfidious crime, we request that the 
state system take adequate measures to oppose the protagonists and sponsors of 
terrorist crimes. We expect the competent state services and authorities to reveal the 
background of the assassination of Perosevic, a distinguished state and political 
figure, the Yugoslav Left said in its statement.

Killed in Novi Sad was a patriot, a distinguished, diligent and modest man and this 
terrorist act is aimed at our state, our nation and all those who resisted the forces 
of chaos, fascism and treason and at all those for whom the freedom and independence 
of Yugoslavia is the greatest ideal, the Main Committee of the Socialist Party of 
Serbia announced. This crime clearly demonstrates that those who mounted a brutal 
aggression against Yugoslavia, are placing their weapons in the hands of the fifth 
column, traitors and criminals. We will defeat terrorism just as we defended ourselves 
in the war, the Socialist Party of Serbia said.

The terrorists act in which Bosko Perosevic was killed is one in a series of attacks 
on members of patriotically-oriented forces and freedom, peace and independence 
fighters, a joint statement of the Yugoslav Left for Vojvodina, the District Committee 
of the Yugoslav Left of the South Backa region and the Main Committee of the Yugoslav 
Left of Novi Sad said. The murder is aimed at creating fear in these regions and it is 
the act of the people on Nato's pay-roll who continue their criminal attacks on 
Yugoslavia, the statement said.

The Serbian Radical Party believes that the murder of top state official Bosko 
Perosevic is a crime which confirms the wish of the US administration and its Serbian 
protégés to instill fear and create chaos among the people and reach political 
objectives which they would not be able legally, with the nation's support, to achieve 
ever. Foreign intelligence services obviously cannot grasp the freedom-loving spirit 
of the Serbian nation so that for months now, they have attempted to make it clear to 
the citizens of Serbia they would no longer exist if they did not accept US invasion, 
the statement said.

The President of the Nikola Pasic Radical Party of the Left, Sinisa Vucinic, condemned 
the assassination of Perosevic and underlined this was yet another terrorist act of 
the US administration. Being disappointed with the abortive invasion of Yugoslavia, 
Nato fascists are applying the methods of classical terrorism for whose executors they 
engaged criminals and hooligans from the ranks of the fifth column, Vucinic concluded.

Radio Yugoslavia, 15.05.2000

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