----- Original Message -----
From: heikki sipilä <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2000 3:26 PM
Subject: Moscow Vows To Strenthen Ties With Belgrade

>The Hindu
>Online edition of India's National Newspaper on
>Wednesday, May 17, 2000
>Moscow vows to strengthen ties with Belgrade
>By Vladimir Radyuhin
>MOSCOW, MAY 16. The Yugoslav Foreign Minister, Mr.
>Zivadin Jovanovic, has secured Russia's promise to
>forge close ties with Yugoslavia and extend a
>$100-million credit to help rebuild his country's
>economy ravaged by last year's NATO bombing.
>Mr. Jovanovic came to Moscow for a two-day visit on
>Monday on the heels of the Yugoslav Defence Minister,
>Mr. Dragoljub Ojdanic, who paid a five-day secret
>visit to Moscow last week. The Yugoslav Ministers were
>the first and so far the only foreign dignitaries to
>visit Russia after Russian's new President, Mr.
>Vladimir Putin, was sworn in on May 7.
>``Russia favours all-round and extensive development
>of relations and cooperation with Yugoslavia,''
>Russia's Foreign Minister, Mr. Igor Ivanov, said
>opening talks with his Yugoslav counterpart on
>Tuesday. He said the talks would cover ``the entire
>gamut'' of bilateral ties.
>Mr. Ivanov said the two nations shared ``very close''
>positions in the United Nations and other
>international organisations. ``It's very important for
>us to discuss the situation in the Balkans, including
>Kosovo,'' he said.
>Earlier, Mr. Jovanovic met Russia's Economics
>Minister, Mr. Andrei Shapovalyants, who said after the
>talks that Moscow was prepared to extend a
>$102-million loan to Yugoslavia and was also
>considering supplying $32-million worth of fuel and
>other oil products.
>Moscow, which strongly opposed the NATO air raids on
>Yugoslavia, is apparently playing the Yugoslavia card
>to ease Western pressure on Russia over its
>eight-month-long war in Chechnya.
>In talks with Mr. Gennady Seleznyov, Speaker of
>Russia's State Duma or lower House of parliament on
>Monday, Mr. Jovanovic discussed prospects for Belgrade
>to join a Russia- Belarus union, an offer the Balkan
>state received at the height of NATO raids last year.
>``We consider ourselves, like Belarus, an ally of
>Russia,'' Mr. Jovanovic told mediapersons after the
>meeting. ``We view the aspiration of the peoples of
>our nations towards union and the establishment of
>peace and cooperation in Europe as a reply to those
>forces seeking to dismember the Slavic countries.''
>Last week, the Yugoslav Defence Minister discussed
>bilateral military cooperation and the situation in
>the Balkans with Russia's Defence Minister, Marshall
>Igor Sergeyev, and the head of the armed forces'
>General Staff, General Anatoly Kvashnin, according to
>an official statement issued by the Russian Defence
>Yugoslavia, a traditional ally of Russia, is keen to
>upgrade its defence potential, especially air-defence
>forces, with Russian arms.
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