----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 11:06 AM
Subject: [STOPNATO] US willing to proceed with missile shield without ABM changes



Friday, May 19 1:32 AM SGT
US willing to proceed with missile shield without ABM changes: official
The United States is willing to proceed with a controversial national
anti-missile shield, even if it is unable to get Russian agreement on
modifications to a treaty that prohibits such systems, a senior State
Department official said Thursday.
Overcoming vehement Russian objections to revising the 1972
Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty which bans nationwide systems
capable of shooting down incoming missiles will be a key issue at next
month's summit between President Bill Clinton and his Russian
counterpart Vladimir Putin.
The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Clinton would not
present national missile defense (NMD) as a "fait accompli" at the
summit, but stressed that ultimately, the president would make a
decision on deployment -- expected this fall -- based on US interests.
"If we do not reach an agreement of some kind with the Russians on the
changes to the ABM treaty necessary to proceed with a deployment
decision ... and if the president decides ... that it is in the national
interest to still go ahead with a deployment decision, he will go ahead
with a deployment decision," the official told reporters.
Clinton's decision will be based on four well-known criteria -- the
system's cost, its technological feasibility, the extent of the missile
threat to the United States from so-called "rogue states," particularly
North Korea, and its impact on arms control generally.
The objections of Russia, which sees NMD as a threat to itself, as well
as those of China and many US allies in Europe, who fear deployment will
spark a new nuclear arms race, will be factored into the fourth
criteria, the official said.
However, he added, "at the end of the day, the president is going to
make his decision on one criterion: What is in the long-term national
interest of the United States."
"He alone will make that decision, he will make it on the basis of lots
of factors and lots of advice and lots of views of other people,
including the president of Russia," the official said.
He insisted that deployment was still an open question and that
opposition to NMD would be considered in determining the US national
"It's not a 'fait accompli,' the official maintained.
Yet, he allowed that Washington had been deliberately vague in
specifying how much significance US officials would give to the
objections and declined to say what impact they would have on policy
"Quite carefully, (the president) and everybody speaking on his behalf
has not gotten into great detail on exactly how we're going to weight
every consideration that will come into play."
The official's comments follow those of another senior State Department
official who said last week that despite objections to NMD, deployment
of such a system was almost inevitable.
However, that official was speaking in the context of eventually
proceeding with NMD after reaching agreement with Russia at some point
on changes to the ABM treaty.

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