----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 11:27 PM
Subject: [iac-disc.] US, Brit warplanes strike northern, southern Iraq


US, British warplanes strike in northern, southern Iraq
US and British warplanes attacked Iraqi military sites in northern and
southern Iraq Monday after aircraft enforcing no fly zones came under
Iraqi anti-aircraft artillery fire, the US military said.
The strikes in southern Iraq were carried out by US F/A-18, US F-16
aircraft and British GR-1 Tornadoes, which attacked a military radar
site and anti-aircraft artillery sites with precision guided munitions,
the US Central Command in Tampa, Florida said.
"The strikes came in response to anti-aircraft artillery fire against
coalition aircraft yesterday," the command said.
All aircraft returned safely to base, the command said.
US fighter jets based in Incirlik, Turkey, meanwhile, bombed "elements
of the Iraqi integrated air defense system" in northern Iraq after Iraqi
forces fired artillery from sites near Bashiqah, the US European
Command, headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany, said.
Some 40 British and US planes are based at Incirlik to patrol the
northern no-fly zone imposed on Iraq after the 1991 Gulf War to protect
the region's Kurdish population.
A similar exclusion zone was also set up over southern Iraq to protect
the Shiite Muslim population there and is patrolled by US and British
aircraft based in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
Iraq does not recognize the zones, which are not authorized by any
specific UN resolution, and has regularly fired on aircraft patrolling
them since joint US-British air raids on Baghdad in December 1998.
The United States says the planes only target military objectives in
self-defense but the Iraqis say civilians and civilian installations are
frequently hit.

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