> The growing number of mass actions and confrontations, from the
> Antioch College commencement activities to the mass rally in Madison
> Square Garden on May 7, have prompted increased media attention on
> Mumia’s case.  It is noteworthy that the New York Times, which has
> been particularly silent on Mumia’s struggle, carried a major article by
> Francis X. Clines in the Week in Review on May 21.  The article that
> leads with a streamer “Killer or Victim?” puts Mumia’s case at the
> epicenter of the countrywide raging controversy on concerning the
> death penalty.
> The article states in part, “Mr. Abu-Jamal’s cause, in any case, is
> clearly flourishing. … 6,000 believers in Mr. Abu-Jamal gathered earlier
> this month in Madison Square Garden in Manhattan.  And thousands
> more demonstrated in European capitals, blocking some Paris
> intersections.  When a five-member French delegation showed up last
> month in Philadelphia with 50,000 protest signatures, their path had
> been blazed by Francois Mitterrand’s widow Danielle, who visited Mr.
> Abu-Jamal in prison.  His cause has drawn sympathy from movie actors
> and world leaders, from Ed Asner to Nelson Mandela, Amnesty
> International joined the call and citing ‘a pattern of events that
> compromise Abu-Jamal’s right to a new trial.’”
> The New York Times article continues, “'It’s probably the biggest
> international mobilization since the Angela Davis case,’ said Leonard I.
> Weinglass, an experienced leftist advocate who is handling the appeal
> for Mr. Abu-Jamal.”
> The New York Times article concludes “Even so, with the Abu-Jamal
> case now entwined with the capital punishment issue, his supporters
> expect a pending court decision to galvanize both causes, whether a
> new execution date is set or a new trial is ordered. ‘We’re persisting,’
> said Pam Africa, who directs the Abu-Jamal web site.  ‘This can only
> get bigger.’”
> In addition to the New York Times article, the New York Amsterdam
> News, the Harlem-based African American weekly known throughout
> the United States, carried the headline “Thousands Cheer Mumia” on
> its front page May 11 with a cover photo of Abu-Jamal.  The
> Amsterdam News coverage of the May 7 Madison Square Garden event
> was a major breakthrough.
> Mumia Abu-Jamal supporters are planning to pack the courtroom when
> Mumia comes to court for what they hope to be an evidentiary hearing
> sometime this summer.  Monica Moorehead, a coordinator of the
> Millions for Mumia/International Action Center, stated that the growing
> movement in support of Mr. Abu-Jamal will bring thousands of
> supporters to protest at the Republican Convention on July 30 to August
> 2 and in Los Angeles at the Democratic Convention on August 13.
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