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Press Release
From: AKEL, Fri, 21 Jul 2000
         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Central Committee of AKEL that met in a Plenary Session today to discuss the «Thesis for the 19th Congress of AKEL», has discussed also the developments in the Cyprus problem after a being briefed by the General Secretary of the C.C. AKEL, Demetris Christofias.  The C.C. reached the following assertions and positions:

1. The developments confirm the assertion made by AKEL repeatedly in the past year, i.e. that the Cyprus problem is at the worst ever position since 1974.  The deterioration is due to the fact that an attempt is under way to alter the basis of the bicommunal talks and, consequently, of the basis of the solution of the Cyprus problem, as this is clearly defined by the United Nations Security Council Resolutions and the High-Level Agreements.
2. This attempt was initiated by the position of the Group of the Seven Richest Countries plus Russia, known as G8, in June 1999.  The formulations «everything on the table», «talks without conditions» and «take fully into consideration – not be the basis – the relevant UN resolutions and the High-Level Agreements», that were included in the G8 statement, created the ground on which the present attempt to deviate from the basis is being developed.  The endorsement of these formulations in a Security Council Resolution has further deteriorated the situation.
3. The British and the Americans play an active role in the attempt to alter the basis of the talks and the basis of the solution of the Cyprus problem, clearly attempting to satisfy Ankara’s and Denktash’s demands for recognition of two separate political entities in Cyprus that are obviously in full contradiction to the Security Council Resolutions.  Unfortunately, the United Nations Secretariat by its acts or omissions is bearing responsibilities for the noted deviation.
4. From the time the G8 statement was released, AKEL had in time predicted and warned of the dangers of deviation of the Cyprus problem (from its correct basis) that could be seen then.  The three rounds of proximity talks that have been held since under the known conditions, under the conditions they were convened and carried out, have, unfortunately, confirmed the evaluation made by the C.C. AKEL at its November 1999 Plenary Session that «the proximity talks that have been convened in New York in December 3 leave little room for expectations for the achievement of progress in the Cyprus problem».  The submission by Denktash of a comprehensive document
 for a confederal solution and the absence of a reaction from the part of the United Nations that would indicate to Mr. Denktash that his positions are outside the framework of the UN resolutions, confirm also the forecast made by AKEL on June 21, 1999, underlying that «the G8 statement gives Denktash the opportunity to place on the negotiating table his unacceptable positions on confederation and recognition of two states in Cyprus».
5. The government circles (NOTE: in Cyprus) bear a share of the responsibility for the current serious situation; they had thoughtlessly welcomed the G8 statement as a manifestation of upgraded international interest and interpreted the formulations included in it the way they wished.  The policy they pursued after that, was a consequent of those erroneous estimations.  They ignored AKEL’s repeated proposals to exercise a preventive policy and to carry out an international campaign having as the principle objective to defend the principles of solution of the Cyprus problem.  Fearing they might be accused of a negative stand and intransigence, they did not show the necessary resoluteness and vindicative stand in defending the positions of the Greek Cypriot side.
6. The C.C. AKEL asserts that the situation that is being created in the Cyprus problem is grave.  The danger of a protracted deadlock, which would consolidate the partition of Cyprus, or of the imposition of a solution, which would differ from the UN resolutions and the High-Level Agreements, is more than real.  At this moment, the main concern and objective of the government, the whole of the political leadership and our people should be to defend the principles of the solution of the Cyprus problem as these are clearly formulated in the Security Council resolutions and the High-Level Agreements.  At the resumption of the talks on July 24 we should make it clear to all directions that the Greek Cypriot side does not discuss and in no way will accept solutions that will not be based on these principles.  We should clarify that the single sovereignty of the future Federal Republic of Cyprus, the single international personality, the single citizenship, the unity of the state, the safeguarding of basic freedoms, human rights and political rights of the Cypriot citizens are non-negotiable elements.   We should indicate to everyone that the just and viable solution of the Cyprus problem is in the interest not only of the Cypriot people itself, both Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, but also in the interest of peace and stability in the broader Eastern Mediterranean region.
7. The C.C. of AKEL insists on the Party’s position that a multi-dimensioned, preventive policy should be pursued by taking specific initiatives and carrying out an international campaign, so as to avert the dangers threatening us and create the preconditions for a just a viable solution of the Cyprus problem on the basis of the UN resolution, the International Law and the High-Level Agreements.  Collective decision-making and handling of the Cyprus problem in the framework of the National Council (advisory body to the President of the Republic comprising the leaders of the parliamentary parties) is imperative.  Decisive and vindicative policy and tactics regarding the defence of the rights of Cyprus and the principles of the solution of the Cyprus problem have to be pursued.  Every act of the Greek Cypriot side should take seriously into consideration our Turkish Cypriot compatriots, who desire a federal solution and reunification of Cyprus, and promote rapprochement.
8. The C.C. of AKEL condemns Denktash’s new outburst of intransigence and his unacceptable positions as well as the provocations that have culminated in these days with the «celebrations» for the anniversary of the invasion.  Departing from the suing of the «AVRUPA» (NOTE: daily newspaper published by Turkish Cypriots) editor and journalists, the C.C. of AKEL condemns also the attempts to silence every voice in the Turkish Cypriot community that stands in favour of the reunification of Cyprus and in favour of a federal solution.  It notes also the recent mobilizations and demonstrations of the Turkish Cypriots, which prove that within the Turkish Cypriot community there are forces struggling for peace, reunification and rapprochement.
9. Concerning the serious problem created by the pushing forward of the occupation troops at Strovilia (NOTE: near occupied Famagusta), the C.C. of AKEL considers that this issue has to be dealt with by the UN Security Council with the aim to take measures to restore the previous situation.
10. The C.C. of AKEL welcomes the decision of the National Council for the leaders of the political parties (NOTE: those represented in the House of Representatives) to accompany the President of the Republic to Geneva.  AKEL is going to use its presence in Geneva to strengthen the collectivity that should exist and to contribute in the most constructive way to the struggle for the defence and return to the negotiating table of all the principles of the solution of the Cyprus problem.
11. The C.C. of AKEL addresses to the whole of the Cypriot people, Greek Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots, Maronites, Armenians and Latines, a militant message of faith and optimism.  Remaining consistent to principles and planning our struggle correctly we can achieve a just and viable solution of the Cyprus problem, we can build a peaceful and prospering motherland.


Nicosia, 21.7.2000

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