
I've read all of this reply by comrade Scott,  and I'm impressed.   I agree 
with the main thrust of the  statement since it is quite clear. You know, the 
working class is like a religious  and primitive people, in a sense, in that, 
when it comes to a doctrine or a belief which distinguishes the class from our 
oppressors or their malign ideology,  we can embrace it, unselfishly, as our 
own,  and boldly defend it as the bourgeoisie despicably does exploitation.  
That ideology which the working class esteems is....  Science......  and the 
end of the exploitation of man by man. 

Communist workers are not  "ancient" nor "dogmatic" nor "outdated" nor "out of 
time" nor any other epithet that non believers can brand upon us, since our 
philosophy and ideology will always keep our mind and spirit and even our 
bodies young,  because we are not conservative.  The working class beholds the 
new overturning the old, we are that aspect of the contradiction between the 
bourgeoisie and the proletariat that remains revolutionary, and the catalyst 
for capitalist innovation and even speculation.  Communists can be patient 
enough to wait for our class to take hold of the means of production; we shan't 
abandon today the kernel of our  revolutionary ideology, and that is: that 
Marxism Leninism is firstly in the interest of the working class, and then,  
that it is revolutionary,  and that the class struggle is the engine  for 

Marxist find themselves having to defend this dogma again and again... I say: 
if you're against the working class being revolutionary, then why call yourself 
a Marxist.  You won't be able to revise it to work against the proletariat 
because the communist worker won't allow it.  
And that is what's meant by the class struggle.

May we all unite;  and while our class proceeds along the way of the 
spontaneous  struggle, may the communist remain the most conscious and 
farseeing contingent of our class.... until the two New aspects merge into a 
higher level or understanding;  that is, until the proletariat breaks 
completely with the bourgeoisie.


--- On Tue, 12/21/10, Mark Scott <> wrote:

From: Mark Scott <>
Subject: [MLL] Class Struggle - A Former Dialogue  PT 2
Date: Tuesday, December 21, 2010, 4:03 PM

To say that all Lenin did was develop a doctrine of combat and added nothing to 
the science of society is a complete deviance of Marxism-Leninism and reveals 
nothing but the mediocre mind of a revisionist.  It further reveals a complete 
genuine lack of understanding of dialectical materialism as well as historical 
materialism.  The very essence of Marxism is in fact dialectical materialism 
which Lenin himself called "the living soul of Marxism, its fundamental 
theoretical root".  To the genuine Marxist-Leninist and dialectical thinker, 
the importance of dialectical materialism is most obvious because it is needed 
in the study of nature and society, in the theoretical struggle, in the 
practical leadership of the proletariat and its constructive work.  This means 
that it is a "science of society" that all Marxist-Leninists attribute to the 
mastery of Lenin and only those that refute Lenin's contribution to the 
"science of society" are repugnant

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