To my knowledge no one on the list limit the class struggle to a concept of 
 struggle for reform. The struggle of the proletariat as a property form of 
class  must lead to the overthrow of the bourgeois property relations or 
the bourgeois  mode of commodity production, or the thing that makes it 
proletariat in the  first place. The overthrow of bourgeois property doesn't 
place based on,  will not take place based on and cannot take place based on 
armed struggle or  "the need of the armed struggle as a stage of 
revolutionary activity," but  rather as the culmination of the revolutionary 
and insurrectionary  process.  Siege 
Insurrection in the mouth of Marxists means the process by which  
revolutionaries siege the old holders of state power and capture - seize, the  
commanding heights of power; and then establish the rule of a new class. In old 
Russia and in our country - in my opinion, this process "by which  
revolutionaries capture the commanding heights of power" means the mass 
rather than a concept of "the armed struggle." Specifically the mass uprising.  
In Russia this mass uprising involved and was based on the Soviets and not 
just  the Soldiers Soviets. The role of being armed within the mass uprising 
is  subordinate to the mass uprising. 
Lenin describes a revolutionary era as a period wherein the masses batter  
the state until it is dislodged and turn inward upon itself and becomes  
paralyzed. This process is described as the ruling class being unable to rule 
in  the same old way and the masses refusing to be ruled in the same old way. 
That  is to say, the organs of the state turn inward against itself and a 
huge sector  of this organization of violence goes over to the social 
revolution of the  proletariat. 
The state as state does not need to be educated to the fact that it is an  
armed organization of violence. The state being armed is why it is the 
state.  Our task is to count on winning over a decisive sector of this 
organization  of violence as opposed to "training, agitation and propaganda 
include  the realization for and need of the armed struggle as a stage of 
revolutionary  activity." 
I disagree with the proposition that "the armed struggle as (IS) a stage of 
 revolutionary activity." 
In place of this concept of "the armed struggle as a stage of revolutionary 
 activity," is the "revolutionary crisis" AS A STAGE OF THE 
SOCIAL/POLITICAL  REVOLUTION and the growth of the insurrectionary proletariat. 
insurrectionary proletariat is the vanguard of the proletariat prepared to  
acquire the commanding heights of power. The proletariat becomes an  
insurrectionary force when it is prepared to acquire the commanding heights of  
power and 
not because it is armed or to the degree it is armed. 
This is actually Lenin concept of the revolutionary crisis and  
revolutionary process. 
The bottom line is that LRNA and no other Marxist group I am ware of agree  
with Mr. Scott interpretation of Lenin. 
Scott obliterates several features of the revolutionary crisis and  
revolutionary process as described by Lenin, in favor of reckless calls for  
struggle and demands for communists to alter our literature in his  
conception, which becomes indistinguishable from doctrines of political  
What of the mass uprising Sir? 
Between the 1965 Watts uprising and the Tampa Florida revolt of 1989 more  
than 2,000 such uprising took place in America. What distinguished these  
uprising was their mass rather than their arms and no place in America was the 
 uprising as violent as Detroit 1967. 
Scott writes that anyone that does not adhere to his personal concept of  
the revolutionary process as meaning armed struggle - rather than the mass  
uprising, cowers at the bourgeois power. 
Sir, there is no reason to condemn comrades who have a different  
interpretation of what Lenin wrote and how we might understand our own history 
.  . . 
even if we are wrong. What is the understanding advanced above is wrong but 
 more actually express Lenin's thinking that what you present? 
What if you are MORE mistaken? 
The act of insurrection and the meaning of the insurrectionary movement,  
which embraces the mass uprising; b). the state turning inwards and 
collapsing  upon itself - "set at loggerhead," and c). extreme polarization 
the  parliamentary arena and all social life is a general outline of the  
revolutionary collapse. The revolutionary process or crisis  - at a certain  
stage, does not become ARMED STRUGGLE, but an insurrectionary movement based on 
 the popular class. 
Anyone that disagrees with Scott and ask for an examination of Russia  
history and the role of Soviets is somehow a coward and bourgeois humanists, as 
if being human is not sacred - inviolable. 
Mr. Scott theory or interpretation of Lenin displaces the insurrectionary  
movement - the essence of political Leninism and the meaning of "a party of 
a  new type," with a concept of armed struggle. Seems to me the military 
aspects of  the insurrectionary movement are dependent upon the mass uprising - 
movement of  the vanguard of the proletariat. 
Further, Scott demands that communists as individuals and groups alter  
their forms of propaganda to conform to his individualized vision of the  
revolutionary process. 
Hence, Scott teeters in and out of ideological doctrines of terrorism. 

In a message dated 12/28/2010 8:11:51 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_mark1scot...@yahoo.com_ (  writes: 

The class struggle being limited to mere reforms is not a Marxist  concept 
of the class struggle but its distortion.  The class struggle bound  up in 
all of its parts must conclude in the seizure of power by armed struggle  
resulting in the dictatorship of the proletariat that through the use of arms  
suppresses the reactionary bourgeoisie until all class distinctions and  
antagonisms finally wither away. 
The struggle for economic reforms is only a small part of the struggle and  
to limit class struggle to this form is as Lenin states "harmful and  
reactionary".  The struggle for economic reforms must be related to and  
connected with the ideological struggle to educate the working-class to  
every aspect of the class struggle.  This is accomplished not  just through 
fighting for reforms but using this aspect of the class struggle to  present 
the most possible comprehensive exposures of the capitalist  system.  This 
understanding is accomplished through the practical struggle  as well as 
through training which includes agitation and propaganda by the  Marxist 
vanguard revolutionaries.  This training, agitation and propaganda  must 
the realization for and need of the armed struggle as a stage of  
revolutionary activity without which the proletariat cannot achive its  
historical role 
as the "grave-diggers" of capitalism and establish the armed  dictatorship 
of the proletariat - the new ruling-class that does not  exploit.

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