The un-mentionable is a rabid revisionist, not only because he seems to enjoy 
creating schisms among the class, thus, in the real world, contributing to the 
old USA sectarianism which he seems so very much a part of, but  because he has 
contempt for the very revolutionary class which Marxism rises to the 
challenge.  To the "new class" theorist, a worker is revolutionary  only in so 
far as he is replaced by the new means of production i.e robots.   In the state 
that the working class is now, that is, as the anti- thesis of the capitalist 
class,  or otherwise, that aspect in constant contradiction with the 
bourgeoisie throughout the economic mode of production know as capitalism, it 
finds itself in a mere symbiotic relationship with the bourgeoisie and remains 
so until it becomes "external" to capitalism , like the "new class" theorist 
utter, meaning: not employed.   This  new class must be sustained not according 
to work, but according to need,
 thus satisfying a warped interpretation of communist society here amidst 
capitalism.   Even the  marginal or  part time workers are considered 
revolutionary only in so far as they approach the "external to capitalism" 
stage of decay as gauged by the destitute proletariat.

This is not Marxism but revisionism and quite reactionary, from the working 
class' point of view; and the working class condemns such insolent display of 

It is not the first time that this type thesis arises.  It is a variation of 
the old Lumpen as vanguard of the revolution line of the 60's and 70's here in 
the USA.  

History and current events witnesses the leading role of the working class as 
that class capable of sealing the capitalist coffin, although we've witnessed 
that in the era of Imperialism, the bourgeoisie can reposes power;  and hence 
the need for an effective dictatorship of the proletariat.  Applying a bold 
revolutionary method to Marxism Leninism, based on the revolutionary working 
class in all its contingents,  is the difference between why proletarian 
revolutions of later days succeeded and the petty pinko attempts of nowadays 
don't..... a thesis, of mine.

Other classes beside the proletariat will contribute to the revolution,  and it 
shall be so noted by the fair and just wisdom of the creators of value whom do 
not exploit.   Any class can initiate a revolution or uprising, but only the 
working class can culminate it.  Not because I say so, but because that's what 
it is, and as Marx understood and predicted.  

What the revisionists, in this case, choose not to accept, is that the working 
class and capitalism become that LAST economic relations where one class 
exploits the other, and hence, for the first time in history, a class to negate 
all classes comes into being.  A Messiah, so to speak...... perhaps 
Christianity did get a gist of the concept.  


--- On Thu, 1/20/11, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: Re: [MLL] The Communist society thesis: Goodbye Stalin
Date: Thursday, January 20, 2011, 9:49 AM

In a message dated 1/20/2011 12:38:43 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_georgeg@micronetix.net_ (  writes: 
Dear Comrade Mark, 
I do not know why you think that the other 197+ people on the list accept  
revisionism. It may be that we just as well that they think that you are 
doing a  good job at opposing this revisionism. 
Please note that my comment many weeks ago asking that the three of you not 
 engage in personal invective was not a note from a moderator, bus simply a 
 request by one of the members of the list. 
If one person show in plain language where I have revised Marx on communist 
 society I will leave the list. 
Not two . . .one person.  One. Stalin's "he who does not work" shall  not 
eat is unacceptable in modern America. Further, under communist society  
labor contribution is not work or a job. A job and work is just so much  
bourgeois ideology. 
I challenge anyone to defend this proposition. 
I challenge any Marxist to oppose the proposition that under communist  
society there is NO demand for a prior contribution of labor to be   the means 
to access to socially necessary means of life. 
Reread Marx . . . for real. 

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