Comrade Nikogda,
I want to thank you for your solidarity.  I believe solidarity among genuine 
Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries is an important aspect or characterization of 
the class struggle as well so I truly appreciate such affinity.  In the 
struggle against revisionism it becomes a solitary negativity at times but the 
realization that others share in that struggle is encouraging and provides the 
impetus to carry on.
You stated:
"As annoying as I find individual revisionist lullabies in here and 
sometimes feel provoked into responding to "directly", I try to keep 
the thrust against revisionism as a trend that blocks the class and 
the society from being able to move forward. Personally I find the 
experiences that Cdes Mark Scott and f580 share here are quite 
valuable because they reflect that fighting spirit of a working class 
that has had to fight especially hard for theory and figuring out how 
to apply it to solve or even address concrete problems confronting 
the practical movement.

Best regards

"PS - What can we call these characters or this thinking that 
recognizes the contributions of Josef Vissarionovich Stalin and yet 
repeatedly seeks ways of saying well this don't apply here or today. 
Maybe we can call such thinking "Stalinoid"? What say you all?"

You are correct about methodology in terms of refuting revisionism if I 
understand your first sentence correctly but with the revisionist Melvin it has 
become a different matter.  He has clearly shown himself for what he is and yet 
so arrogantly puts forward a challenge for someone to prove him a revisionist!  
He is so god damned laughable it is sickening!  There are times when it becomes 
redundant to argue with such scum and so there is nothing more than to call it 
as it is.
So, this leads me to your post-script.  There are more epithets I can think of 
that are fitting and appropriate for this piece of scum but my desire is to see 
the moderators take action and remove him from the list so we can in fact have 
intelligent discourse on this list once again.  To allow or condone such 
revisionism is complicity with it.  Melvin has belittled both Lenin and Stalin 
now and reduced Marxism to a "general outline" much like the trotskyists have 
done so I don't know what more it takes to be rid of this revisionist.  The 
trotskyists also project Marxist reductionism by completely reviling Stalin and 
paying a little lip service to Lenin while pretending to reduce scientific 
Marxism to a "general outline" of Marx.  Scientific Marxism is not based on a 
"general outline" by is based on the dialectical and historical 
materialism developed by Marx and furthered by Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Hoxha, Che 
and a host of other
 Marxist-Leninist leaders.
To say that "only a general outline by Marx is applicable today is the complete 
repudiation of scientific Marxism and becomes a highly trotskyist political 
line of Marxist reductionism and this revisionist piece of shit should pay the 
price for his traitorous arrogance.
Mark Scott

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