Dear comrades and friends,

First, I would like to congratule comrade NN on his post on the revolutionary 
movements in Tunisia and the US. The Tunisian people have certainly shown the 
revolutionary way forward in overthrowing the 23 year old dictatorship of Ben 
Ali. It will certainly shake up the Arab world and have repercussions world 
wide. Someone sent a message from one of the leading Israeli politicians who 
said that democracy in the Arab world would hurt Israel, because the Arab 
peoplewould no longer put up with governments that conciliated with Israel. 
This of course affects both the US and French imperialists, who have tried to 
rely on various puppet regimes in that and other parts of the world.

I would like to also point out the importance of the destructive role of 
Browder's revisionism for the US working class. Even before the dissolution of 
the CPUSA, Browder, in an opportunist application of the united front against 
fascism, liquidated the shop units of the CPUSA in the factories. To my 
knowledge, these were never recreated after the CPUSA was officially revived in 
1945. This is not just a historical question. When the McCarthy Era began, the 
CPUSA was unable to mobilize significant sections of the working class to 
oppose it, anad therefore the communists were in their great majority expelled 
from the unions or driven underground. This still has signifiant effect today. 
While all over Europe, the working class has mobilized against the attacks of 
the bourgeoisie against their economic and political rights, the US working 
class has still remained relatively quiescent. One of the main tasks of MLs in 
the US is to rebuild a revolutionary cadre within the unions, that can take the 
lead in the fight against these attacks. This is a  long process but must be 
begun. One cannot, as Melvin does, just leave it to the objective factors of 
the bribery of a good section of the post WWII working class, which was 
certainly an objective phenomenon. The question is what is the response of the 
revolutionary elements.

To comrade Mark, I would just like to point out that I think I did not make 
myself clear in an earlier post. The request several weeks ago for less flame 
in polemics was by me, not by some unnamed member of the list. I simply meant 
that I wrote it not as a moderator, but as an ordinary list member. I would 
again request that if you polemicize against Melvin, you polemicize against his 
political and ideological views, not by referring to him as "this revisionist 
piece of shit." This only weakens your own arguments. As I have said before, I 
have not had time to read through his arguments or your replies, but I request 
you to please make your replies on point.

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