"The capitalist mode of production, for example, rests on the fact that the 
 material conditions of production are in the hands of nonworkers in the 
form of  property in capital and land, while the masses are only owners of the 
personal  condition of production, of labor power. If the elements of 
production are so  distributed, then the present-day distribution of the means 
consumption  results automatically. If the material conditions of 
production are the  co-operative property of the workers themselves, then there 
likewise results a  distribution of the means of consumption different from the 
present one." 

The day after tomorrow in Communist America: May 1, 2057. 
Private Journal 
Western High School was restored as a secondary school in 2041, with its  
small quaint class rooms and gymnasium. The "School Restoration and 
Preservation  project" (SRPP) felt a lottery should be held to determine who 
fill the  1800 slots. This was rejected by the "Area-wide Neighborhood 
Committee" (AWNC).  Based on the old zip code system embracing block club 
associations, AWNC  proposed setting aside no more than 100 slots for students 
outside its zip area.  Attendees would be chosen through block club 
rather than lottery.  AWNC won the political fight for exclusion right to 
determine method of  selection. Our 14 year old was enrolled after the usual 
placement scuffle. 
It helped that my wife Malaika worked the restoration program  ensuring  
its speedy completion. Being Secretary of the Block club  association, an old 
party member or "party hack" depending on who you asked,  helped in our 
public advocacy for our daughter. Actually, party membership did  not help 
anyone in neighborhood based selection. On the other hand leadership in  
non-party organizations tipped the scale in ones favor. 
Immigration continues to drive America's population increased of  
370,000,000. The official "Statistical Analysis" estimate showed a need for a  
twenty eight million people to supply the field of "needs" classified as  
"socially necessary means of life."  In all fields individuals signed up  for 
placement only to run into the hard rock of "to much society ability." 
As fifth generation Detroiter, the "Labor Placement System," denied me an  
opportunity to work in auto as did the last four generations of our 
families.  Every year 30,000 people in Detroit sign up for the one thousand 
slots  allocated for Detroit. 
Neither of us had a job as "work and job" were understood in the bourgeois  
order. Trained as a doctor with nine years of specialized education and  
practice, Malaika became frustrated when "Labor Placement" denied her a slot 
at  the 10 city hospitals. 
It was in hospitals that one could engage the best technology. Like auto  
there was too much "ability" in her field with 130,000 people - 100,000 
outside  Detroit, seeking placement in three thousand hospital slots. Actually, 
there  were only two thousand slots with the hospital committees routinely 
exercising  authority to retain individuals. Improved health of the individual 
was becoming  the prime desire in society and fundamental to enhanced 
Although highly automated everyone hates the "Labor Placement System" and  
the nasty letters of rejection. "At this time  . . .  the fair  reporting 
act of 2039 requires allowing access to our method of selection . . .  . 
perhaps applying for over sea placement in your field of interest . . . your  
application will remain active for 36 months." 
Malaika applied her ability to diagnosis via Internet acquiring ten years  
"certified ability" classification.  Then she became part of the  
Restoration Project. Like most adults our ability was applied outside the 
sphere  of 
"socially necessary production," with me hanging out in the old library  
system and periodically working the secondary economy. With the value system 
 exchange abolished in the realm of socially necessary means of life, our  
proletarian dictatorship did not just tolerate but nurtured the "script 
market."  "Script" was currency of a vast chain of production and distribution 
of many  items classified as luxury. I had used script to acquire old style 
wooden audio  speakers to give the house a warm green and brown feel, working 
various small  individually owned restaurants, ice cream parlors and 
selling home grown  specialized tomatoes. 40% of the city population ability 
into home  gardening of vegetables and fruit. 
The labor time in producing our population "socially necessary food  
staple," and then export of produce, is so insignificant no measurement of time 
is attached to the individual. A life time of food consumption for the  
individual was estimated at 1440 minutes per year.  Milk, cereal and meat  
consumption dropped another 60% between 2040 and 2050. The human body is taking 
on a more enhanced symmetry or post industrial shape. The old meat and potato 
 three meals a day glutton of the industrial era is a thing of the past. 
Mostly  young men seeking military adventure combine in associations opting 
for the  "muscular look" of the symbolic metal men of the industrial era. 
These are the  last meal and potato men. Consumption of fruits, with new exotic 
"winter fruits"  skyrocketed. A full 50% of this fruit stuff is grown in 
private homes as a  hobby. 
"Reason Journal" states the 60% drop in meat and milk consumption was the  
result of the individual eating less in the context of ending mass 
advertising  of "consumption," rather than an ideological victory for the vegan 
groups. In  the sphere of food consumption, "socially necessary food 
by the  individual has dropped every year since victory of the proletariat 
despite the  enormous increase in the productivity of dead labor.
Time to talk another walk. 

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