America has never been an exception to Marx outline of the law of social  
revolution. America confirms in rich detail a deeper meaning of Marx general 
law  of social revolution. What makes Marx outline of social revolution an 
outline is  "emergence theory."
Marx captures emergence in a few words:  "At a certain stage of  
"At a certain stage of development, the material productive forces of  
society come into conflict with the existing relations of production or - (this 
merely expresses the same thing in legal terms) with the property relations 
 within the framework of which they have operated up until then. From forms 
of  development of the productive forces these relations turn into their 
fetters.  Then begins an era of social revolution."  (1859 Preface to A 
Contribution  to the Critique of Political Economy) 
What is "a certain stage?" To answer a "certain stage is a "certain stage  
of growth" is no answer. One must articulate how "a certain stage is 
In exploring "emergence" historical Marxism preceded based on a concept of  
quantitative growth of the productive forces lead to qualitative change of 
the  productive forces. This formulation is to general. Quantitative growths 
of the  productive forces prepare the soil for injection of a new quality - 
 qualitatively new technology, into means of production. 
A certain stage is identified as the point of quantitatively injecting a  
new quality - qualitatively new technology, into the existing  production 
A new era of social revolution opens - is called forth, based on  
qualitatively new means of production, rather than the quantitative growth of  
existing productive forces. These qualitatively new means of production brings  
an end expansion of production and distribution on the old  
quantitative/qualitative basis, and society begins the leap - transition, to a  
new mode of 
production. This process does not and  cannot happen all at one  time but 
quantitatively, producing waves of social consequences. 
Qualitatively new means of production compels society to reorganize itself  
around the new means of production quantitatively. In the theory realm this 
new  narrative is the dialectic of quality, rather than a revision of Marx. 
The social consequences of qualitative changes in the means of production  
demand we reorder our thinking. Our state of development of productive 
forces,  the world economy and its division of labor defines a vision of what 
possible  in the 21 st century.
By clarifying a deeper meaning and understanding of "at a certain stage"  
Marxism has been deepened, not revised. The collectives of the old Communist  
Labor Party and editorial board of Rally Comrades, using Nelson Perry's  
"Entering An Epoch of Social Revolution," have deepened Marxism with their  
modern explanation of the meaning of "at a certain stage." 

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