Comrade Sid,

I would like to make two points in relation to your own arguments:(1) When
Engels uses "the materialist conception of history", he always uses it
interchangeably with "historical materialism; and this usage of Engels is
well-known, and is public knowledge. I have used the phrase "the materialist
conception of history" several times in my postings too. But when Dover
claims that  Marx and Engels supposedly "contradict the materialist
conception of history - a tactic, in the interests of the proletariat, and
for no other reason'", this is the reason that I take the cognitive content
of Dover's idea of "the materialist conception of history" as a muddle and
suggest the usage of historical materialism instead as a means of finding
out whether or not he takes them interchangeably too (because Marx and
Engels take historical materialism as an objective science of the
development of soceity, which they cannot, even with the help of "the Lord",
"violate" or "contradict" in the interests of the working class
subjectively), but not the phrase and its concept by Engels. (2)As to my
understanding of "the dialectical law of evolution and revolution (law of
historical materialism", I am willing to present it in detail if Dover
answers my main question which I have presented before. In other words,
Dover has the burden to prove his claim, not me; but regardless of this
fact, I am still willing to present my view on "the dialectical law of
evolution and revolution (law of historical materialism". In this
connection, when you state that "since you think that the contradiction is
fictitious, you can answer the first two questions I posed in my previous
post", your request looks like the request of religious people who say to
their atheist opponents the following:Since you think that "God" is
fictitious, then you prove to us that "God" does not exist. This request of
the religious people are indeed absurd, but they do not realize it, and
insist on their insane request incessantly.


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