China Condemns US, British Air Strikes on Iraq

China Saturday condemned the US and British warplanes' strikes against Iraq
and expressed deep regret over casualties of Iraqi civilians.
Foreign ministry spokesman Zhu Bangzao made the remark in response to a
request for comments on the US and British warplanes' air raids on the
evening of February 16 on targets south of Baghdad, causing casualties of
Zhu said, "We condemn the air attacks launched by the United States and
Britain against Iraq, and express deep regret over the deaths and injuries
of innocent civilians resulting from the action."
He said China has always maintained that Iraq's sovereignty, territorial
integrity and independence should be respected.
The US and British warplanes' bombing in Iraq will harm the international
community's efforts to solve the issue of Iraq, he said.
The spokesman called on the United States and Britain to stop their military
actions in Iraq immediately so as to create a favorable atmosphere for the
upcoming dialog between Iraq and the UN Secretary-General.

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