Bush, racism, and theft.  T. Burke

----- Original Message -----
From: Fight Back <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 12:21 PM
Subject: [FightBack] [FB] Protests Rain On Bush Parade!

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> This article is from the Winter 2001 edition of Fight
> Back! / ¡Lucha y Resiste! newspaper.
> Protests Rain On Bush Parade!
> By Mick Kelly
> Washington D.C. - Tens of thousands joined
> demonstrations here Jan. 20, turning the inauguration
> of George Bush into a massive protest against his
> administration and policies. Despite the cold and
> rain, protesters came from hundreds of cities and
> towns, including busloads from the Midwest who
> traveled up to 24 hours to attend.
> Smaller demonstrations took place across the United
> States and Europe - including protests that drew
> thousands in San Francisco and Los Angeles. More than
> 5000 people, some carrying the names of executed Texas
> prisoners, marched in Paris, France.
> Bush's theft of the election, facilitated by a
> systematic attack on the voting rights of African
> Americans, has led to widespread anger across the
> country. "Hail to the thief!" was a common chant at
> the Jan. 20 protests, along with other slogans that
> challenged the racist and reactionary Bush
> administration.
> Members of the Congressional Black Caucus walked out
> of the House of Representatives on Jan. 6, when the
> Bush victory was certified. The NAACP and others
> rallied Jan. 20 in Tallahassee, Florida, the epicenter
> the electoral fraud. The inauguration day protests
> were the largest since 1973.
> Bush On Run
> At the inauguration, eggs and tomatoes pelted the
> motorcade carrying President Bush and other top
> officials. Members of the Secret Service were forced
> to run, as the presidential limousine sped up to pass
> concentrations of demonstrators.
> Protesters outnumbered Bush backers at many points
> along Pennsylvania Avenue. Supporters of the President
> were dismayed and angry, some choosing to leave as the
> protesters drowned out whatever cheers they could
> muster.  Other reactionaries - some men with shaved
> heads wearing "FUK GORE" t-shirts, others wearing furs
> and cowboy hats - feebly attempted to organize
> pro-Bush rallies along the parade route.
> Protests at inauguration were organized by the
> International Action Center, the National Organization
> of Women, the National Action Network led by the
> Reverend Al Sharpton, and a host of other
> organizations. A large contingent of African Americans
> came from Florida, many with signs saying, "Free
> Florida's Black Voters."
> Right Wing Agenda
> "The road of President Bush is paved with poverty,
> racist discrimination, attacks on the rights of women
> and more wars," said Carolyn Connelly of the Colombia
> Action Network.
> She continued "We're here today because the Bush
> Administration is planning a war on the people at home
> and abroad. Clinton organized a huge escalation of the
> U.S. war in Colombia. Bush's appointees have made it
> clear that they will continue and widen the war. We
> need to do everything possible to get the U.S. out.
> What we are seeing here are the beginnings of a
> powerful movement that will confront the plans and
> policies of Bush and company."
> Many demonstrators demanded the release of the jailed
> revolutionary journalist, Mumia-Abu Jamal, a former
> Black Panther who is on death row in Pennsylvania.
> Others targeted police brutality and racial profiling,
> which have reached epidemic proportions.
> A large contingent was organized by the National
> Organization of Women in defense of reproductive
> rights.
> Victory over Repression
> More than 7000 police from D.C. and the surrounding
> area were mobilized for the inauguration - including
> members of the National Guard. Snipers were placed on
> the rooftops of Washington's buildings. A system of
> checkpoints was set up, where police searched
> demonstrators, while ushering Bush supporters directly
> into the parade area. This meant waits of an hour or
> more to get to protest sites along Pennsylvania
> Avenue.
> There is no doubt that authorities had intended to
> prevent protests at the site of the inauguration - as
> indicated by the massive police mobilization, the
> system of passes and checkpoints, and a refusal to say
> what would be allowed where. Court battles in defense
> of the right to protest took place right up until Jan.
> 20.
> The strength of the Jan. 20 mobilization, the
> relatively weak position of the incoming Bush
> Administration, and the international spotlight that
> was on D.C. created the conditions so the protests
> could proceed.
> ______________________________________________________
> Fight Back! / ¡Lucha y Resiste! is a newspaper that
> builds the people's struggle.  We provide coverage and
> analysis of some of the key battles facing working and
> low-income people.  This article can be reprinted,
> copied or distributed as long as it is credited to
> Fight Back!.  Contact us at Fight Back!, PO Box
> 582564, Minneapolis, MN 55440, USA.
> http://www.fightbacknews.org
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