----- Original Message ----- 
From: Eric Hayes Patkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 3:24 PM
Subject: Re: [MLL]Capital Punishment?

>This reads like a bad joke.  Any clue as to the bill name/number?  I did a
>quick search and came up empty -- nothing on Gary George's site lists
>anything like the above bill.

    It came from an article it 'the People' which
    is SLP USA - perhaps you could try there
    (whole article reprinted below...)

MARCH 2001
VOL. 110 NO. 12


Sewage Doesn't Smell

A public relations strategy document published by the Environmental 
Protection Agency illustrates the contempt in which that agency, and the 
capitalist enterprises it ostensibly regulates, holds "the 
public"--which is composed largely of the working-class majority. 

The document promoted the marketing of sewage sludge as fertilizer, but 
noted that there is a "major public acceptance barrier" to the practice. 
That barrier was "the widely held perception of sewage sludge as 
malodorous, disease causing or otherwise repulsive....There is an 
irrational component to public attitudes about sludge which means that 
public education will not be entirely successful." In short, experts 
like those in the EPA and the "sewage industry" are rational, while "the 
public" is not--because they think sewage stinks.

'Big Brother' Is Watching-I

The FBI is using software called Carnivore to combat criminals who use 
the Internet. But the net cast by Carnivore catches virtually everyone 
who doesn't use 128-bit encryption in their e-mail. Carnivore is run 
from a computer that connects to the servers of Internet Service 
Providers and must sift through all incoming and outgoing e-mail in the 
process of monitoring any single e-mail account.

Thus the FBI is looking through the e-mail of thousands of people not 
suspected or charged with a crime, and those whose e-mail is searched 
have no protection or knowledge of the agency's unlawful or accidental 

'Big Brother' Is Watching-II

Football fans who attended this year's Super Bowl did so under the 
watchful eye of a temporary law enforcement command center. Every person 
entering the Tampa, Fla., stadium was videotaped at the entrance 
turnstiles. Their faces were then digitized and compared by computer 
analysis to the faces of known criminals. Fans received no notice that 
they were being videotaped for such purposes.

Special Treatment for Anarchists

An Oregon legislator who says he is targeting the "political 
correctness" of hate crimes legislation has introduced a bill that would 
make it a hate crime to smash a store window or sabotage a company. 
There are already laws against such activities, of course. But the bill, 
introduced by Sen. Gary George (R-Newberg), would add an additional five 
years' imprisonment for anyone whose crime is motivated by "a hatred of 
people who subscribe to a set of political beliefs that support 


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