Comrade Brian,

I would like to make some brief remarks on your comments in order to
unburden your mind of my "loaded" and "troublesome" word "the international

(1)In relation to my ideas of Jews and Zionism, you did not have to "read"
my mind and to give me "credit" with the "benefit" of your doubt, but to
read my e-mail carefully!

(2)You have distorted my characterization of broad aspects of the
international Zionism in your summary in the following way: "So we're
talking about a "zionist"-capitalist conspiracy. Sounds like this has the
potential to be "old wine in new bottles" to me. Better be careful".  As an
attentive reader can notice easily, I have not talked about "a
`zionist'-capitalist conspiracy", but this phrase is yours with your
favorite word "conspiracy"; instead I have mentioned the presence of
"Zionist billionaires and millionares". I think that you are either fond of
or unconsciously preoccupied by the word "conspiracy" with its "mysterious"
aura because whenever one mentiones Zionism or the international Zionism
without the word "conspiracy", you furnish one on your own to make sure that
you can serve your "old wine in new bottles", like "Jewish conspiracy" or
"`zionist'-capitalist conspiracy".

(3)You have found my clarification of the meaning of the international
Zionism not "done so sufficiently". If this is the case, then you must know
exactly how one can do it "sufficiently". So, could you provide us with your
sufficient clarification of it, of course, without recourse to the
oft-repeated ideas of the leaders of Zionism, like Zionism is the
nationalism of the Jewish people analogous to French nationalism.

(4)The remaining of your comments deal with some ideas and phrases that you
have projeted on my idea as usual, probably "reading" my mind again, and
have posed some meaningless questions based on them, for example, "Jewish
capitalists", "Jewish capitalism" "zionist conspiracy" (as you can see all
these phrases are your innovations, not mine!), "Is Jewish capitalism
inherently "zionist?", "Does the apparent fact that some Jewish capitalists
contribute financially to the state of Israel make them agents of a zionist
conspiracy?"! If one mentions something like a "Zionist" capitalist, one
means a capitalist with the "Zionist" ideology. And if one mentions that
Israel is a "Zionist" capitalist state, one means the capitalist state of
Israel with its "Zionist" ideology. If this is the case, then if some
Zionist capitalists, not your "Jewish capitalists", "contribute financially
to the state of Israel", then their acts make them the willing agents of the
"Zionist" cause, not your "conspiracy". In addition, if your "Jewish
capitalists" have the "Zionist" ideology, then they are "Zionist"
capitalists. And if if your "Jewish capitalists" are the common capitalists
with their religious Jewish affiliation and with no "Zionist" ideology, then
they are not the direct agents of the "Zionist" cause, but like other common
capitalists have the potential to support the "Zionist" cause as the Zionist
capitalists are active in maintaining the world Imperialism. As it is clear,
since we are talking about "Zionism" as an ideology, then your question, "Is
Jewish capitalism inherently `zionist'?", become meaningless!

(5)I hope that your mind is unburdend of my "loaded" and "troublesome" word
if you do not burden yourself with your own "innovations" and their
projection on my idea of the international Zionism.

------Original Message------
From: James Brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: April 15, 2001 10:48:09 PM GMT
Subject: RE: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!

--- Javad Eskandarpour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Comrade Brian,
> In relation to your comments, I would like to make
> the following remarks
> concerning those issues with a possible "ambiguous"
> language on my part.
> (1)In my previous commentary on Zionism, I have not
> considered "a broader
> Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world".

Sorry, I can't read your mind but have to go by what
you write. Also, I credited you with the benefit of
the doubt by saying I assume you meant #1 not #2.

> So, if this is the case, then I do not see any
> "ambiguous" language
> regarding the text of my comments unless one
> unconsciously projects the
> "Jewish conspiracy" of the neo-Nazis on my comments.

I was asking you to clarify your meaning, and did not
accuse you of anything.

> Also, the "Jewish
> conspiracy" theory is a non-class idea which is
> propagated by racist
> capitalists of other religious affiliation, like
> racist "Christian"
> capitalists.

Well, yes.

So, Marxist-Leninists do not succump to
> that quagmire of
> theoretical confusion to entertain themselves with
> this "Jewish conspiracy"
> theory. The rejection of the "Jewish conspiracy"
> theory does not mean that
> Marxist-Leninists do not see the international
> Zionism

There's that troublesome word again.

as another strong
> tentacle of the parasitic Imperialism to maintain
> the rule of Capital.
> (2)Another point that you see as a problem in my
> previous comments on
> Zionism is "the international Zionism". As I
> mentioned before, I do not
> entertain the "Jewish conspiracy" theory. So, if
> this is the case, then by
> "the international Zionism" I refer to the ruling
> fascist state of Israel
> and its "pagan" international supporters, the World
> Zionist Oranisation with
> its front oranizations which make the existence of
> the fascist state of
> Israel possible through their political lobbying in
> different countries to
> secure a tremendous finacial "loans", mostly as
> "gifts", and through their
> efforts to make a large financial contribution of
> "Diaspora" possible,
> mostly Zionist billionaires and millionaires. Of
> course, this
> characterization is a tip of the iceberg of "the
> international Zionism" but
> sufficient at this moment of our discussion.

So we're talking about a "zionist"-capitalist
conspiracy. Sounds like this has the potential to be
"old wine in new bottles" to me. Better be careful.

> (3)Regarding Milan's comment on "Zionist Mafia
> connected with Yeltsin", I do
> not know what he means exactly by "their intention
> was to destroy completely Russia." But my
> understanding of his comment is
> that the "Zionist Mafia" was to destroy the Russian
> Fderation completely in
> regard to its remaining socialist structure because
> I assume that Milan
> would comment on this matter as a communist. In this
> connection, I would
> like to mention that there was a sufficient deadly
> presence of the
> international Zionism, as a strong tentacle of the
> world Imperialism,in the
> Soviet Union and the CPSU in the persons of
> Alexander Yakovlevs and other
> known and unknown "tycoons" who own major resources
> of production in the
> Russian Federation today.

As I've asked Milan, why do you apply the loaded term
"international zionism" to a bunch of Jewish
capitalists who took an interest - as all capitalists
do - in bringing down socialism? What is zionist about

Of course, it goes without
> saying that in the
> collapse of the USSR and the rule of Capital around
> the world, the world
> imperilaism acted and acts as a whole parasitic
> organism with its different
> cooperating and vicious competing tentacles at the
> same time, which includes
> the international Zionism as one of its strong
> tentacle among other more or
> less ones. Thus, the exposition and struggle against
> the international
> Zionism is not to "forget" (as some "communists" and
> "open-minded" liberals
> use this cheap but deceiving propogada that if one
> begins analysing the role
> of the international Zionism first, then one
> "forgets" the role of other
> elements in the collapse of the USSR at the expense
> of the international
> Zionism; thus, one must be an anti-Semite!) the
> other more or less strong
> tentacles of the vicious parasitic world Imperialism
> but to discuss any
> subject and issue specifically and historically.
> Javad

I am not accusing you of antisemitism. If you think
that I am resorting to such a cheap trick then you
have misunderstood the tone of my questioning and/or
are resorting to your own cheap tricks to avoid
substantiating your claims. I've asked you to clarify
what you mean by international zionism and you have
not done so sufficiently. I see a pattern of confusion
of Israeli zionism and its supporters with Jewish
capitalists intent on destroying former socialist
countries like Russia. Is Jewish capitalism inherently
"zionist?" Does the apparent fact that some Jewish
capitalists contribute financially to the state of
Israel make them agents of a zionist conspiracy? Is
this the kind of terminology Marxist-Leninists should




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