When your configuration changes to point to the older component files, can't 
you, at the same time, also change your data_dir? Having a separate data_dir 
for the separate source seems cleanest to me.

On Mar 10, 2011, at 3:45 AM, Mike Taylor wrote:

> Dear HTML::Mason community,
> For reasons which, trust me, do make sense, the configuration of my
> HTML::Mason-based web application sometimes changes in such a way that
> Mason component root is switched to point to a version of my
> application that has older component files.  In this situation,
> Mason's component compiler rightly sees only that the compiler version
> of the component is newer than the source, and therefore does not
> recompile.  This can lead to terribly confusing situations where the
> application is running a mix of old and new code.
> It seems that a good way to ameliorate this problem is to have the
> compiled-component cache deleted whenever the web-server (Apache2)
> starts up.  I have searched the documentation and source code for a
> setting that does this, but can't find one -- did I miss it, or is
> there no such setting?
> At the moment, I am "solving" this problem using a
> PerlPostConfigRequire directive in my Apache2 configuration, having it
> invoke a Perl script that removes the component cache.  But this is
> unsatisfactory for two reasons.  First, at the point in the Apache2
> lifecycle where this is invoked, there is (as far as I can see) no way
> to get at the Mason data-directory setting, so I have to duplicate
> that setting in my Apache2 configuration's PerlSetVar MasonDataDir
> directive and the script.  And second, I have many different virtual
> hosts running from the same set of Mason components, each with their
> own Apache2 configuration component and each potentially having a
> different MasonDataDir, and I would prefer not to have to duplicate
> this script and associated settings for each virtual host.
> One neat way to solve this problem would be if I could set up a
> "magic" HTML::Mason component -- as dhandler, for example, is magic --
> that is automatically run when the web-server starts up.  Is there
> such a component?
> Or is there a better approach?
> Many thanks in advance!
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