Thanks, Jonathan, for the quick response.  What you're describing here
would indeed by best practice, and I feel stupid for not having done
it this way in the first place.  But because the configurations of the
various vhosts will be edited by several different people, most of
them not particularly familiar with HTML::Mason, I am really looking
for an approach that fails as safe as possible.

Is there a way to have MasonDataDir take on a value related to MasonCompDir?

-- Mike.

On 10 March 2011 14:54, Jonathan Swartz <> wrote:
> When your configuration changes to point to the older component files, can't 
> you, at the same time, also change your data_dir? Having a separate data_dir 
> for the separate source seems cleanest to me.
> On Mar 10, 2011, at 3:45 AM, Mike Taylor wrote:
>> Dear HTML::Mason community,
>> For reasons which, trust me, do make sense, the configuration of my
>> HTML::Mason-based web application sometimes changes in such a way that
>> Mason component root is switched to point to a version of my
>> application that has older component files.  In this situation,
>> Mason's component compiler rightly sees only that the compiler version
>> of the component is newer than the source, and therefore does not
>> recompile.  This can lead to terribly confusing situations where the
>> application is running a mix of old and new code.
>> It seems that a good way to ameliorate this problem is to have the
>> compiled-component cache deleted whenever the web-server (Apache2)
>> starts up.  I have searched the documentation and source code for a
>> setting that does this, but can't find one -- did I miss it, or is
>> there no such setting?
>> At the moment, I am "solving" this problem using a
>> PerlPostConfigRequire directive in my Apache2 configuration, having it
>> invoke a Perl script that removes the component cache.  But this is
>> unsatisfactory for two reasons.  First, at the point in the Apache2
>> lifecycle where this is invoked, there is (as far as I can see) no way
>> to get at the Mason data-directory setting, so I have to duplicate
>> that setting in my Apache2 configuration's PerlSetVar MasonDataDir
>> directive and the script.  And second, I have many different virtual
>> hosts running from the same set of Mason components, each with their
>> own Apache2 configuration component and each potentially having a
>> different MasonDataDir, and I would prefer not to have to duplicate
>> this script and associated settings for each virtual host.
>> One neat way to solve this problem would be if I could set up a
>> "magic" HTML::Mason component -- as dhandler, for example, is magic --
>> that is automatically run when the web-server starts up.  Is there
>> such a component?
>> Or is there a better approach?
>> Many thanks in advance!
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