On 3/5/2012 8:28 AM, hha...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Thu, 01 Mar 2012 15:15:21 -0500
> RS Tech<t...@rubystudio.com>  wrote:
>> I'd like to get list users' thoughts on the degree of vulnerability
>> represented. Is there a best practice way of dealing with this issue?
> So, um, what I was trying to get at with the last mail was that, it can
> aggravate existing vulnerabilities, but it is not in itself a
> vulnerability.

Since most of these attacks happen by someone posting a link that the 
browser will follow, such as an image, most of the time the request 
comes from a GET.  By keeping all parameters and tagging them with their 
source, your app can say that this parameter is designed to only come 
from a POST and can discard the malicious parameters that were sent via 
a GET (via the image link).  This is not the same as only accepting 
POSTS, as the link states that is a false solution.  The reason is that 
is an attacker can employ javascript, they can construct a link that 
fires off a javascript AJAX call to the destination site, so the 
parameters will look like they cam from a POST, which, in fact, they did.

The GET/POST problem is that blindly mixing all arguments, you do not 
know if the GET overwrites the POST or converts it to an array ref, and 
withing that array ref, you do not know which came from where. 
Filtering out the GETs and just looking at the POSTs helps a lot with 
the static CSRF links, but not so much with the dynamic.  I agree that 
this is less of a problem than, say, requiring users have a password no 
longer than three characters, all of which much be a "3" or a "G". 
However, it should still be defended against.

I would modify their suggestion about tokens.  Instead of a session 
token, I would change the token each and every form request and as soon 
as a form post comes in with that token, it gets invalidated.

The reason for this is that, while I do not have an example, if an 
attacker can get information from the browser history / cache, then they 
can extract the secret token and dynamically include that in the CSRF 
link.  This may require javascript, or some exploit of the new HTML 5 
history / file API.  However, exploits that extract browser history 
information are available without the HTML 5 part.

By not reusing tokens from form to form and invalidating tokens as they 
are used (or whenever a new one is generated), you reduce your 
vulnerability to just forms that were requested, but the user did not 
submit.  Maybe they closed their browser, thinking they were done with 
their online work, or maybe their browser crashed.  Having a valid token 
expire after a period of time also helps reduce the window of vulnerability.



Paul Wallingford

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