On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 2:30 PM, Paul Wallingford <p...@cybergestalt.net>wrote:

> An example of a slow method would be a parser that breaks of the final
> output into a DOM tree and can apply escaping to the right parts.

That assumes that there is a DOM tree to be parsed.

An example of a method that preserves context is the CGI module.

Or a CGI environment.

Essentially, if you want something not escaped at all, use $m->print, such
> as for generating cron files or Apache configs.  If you want web escaping,
> use $m->html.  Embedded Javascript could be $m->javascript and so on.

This defeats the entire point of a template language.  If I have to call
methods to DWIM, I might as well write it all in raw Perl code.

Note, again, that Mason is a *general-purpose* template language, not
necessarily a *web* template language.

I think the default for text outside a <%perl> block should be HTML style
> escaping, since it seems that most Mason2 apps are web apps and most
> non-web Mason2 apps would need some sort of Perl to generate their output
> (and there is always the here-doc for boilerplate text).

One thing I've (ab)used Mason for in the past is dynamic generation of
kickstart configs for Fedora network installs.  There was a minimal amount
of Perl in an <%init> block, and the heavy lifting was handled via Mason
template inheritance.  No <%perl> blocks at all, and I shudder to even
think what that would have looked like had it been a requirement.

Actually, it probably would have looked like Template Toolkit, because that
sort of onerous requirement would have made Mason the Wrong Thing for the
project.  (And perhaps it was anyway, but I like to think the final product
was quite elegant.)

Don't assume that people have done it your way. TMTOWTDI, after all.

Stephen Clouse <stephenclo...@gmail.com>
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