Hi Marc,

As the author I'm obviously biased, but I'll give you my take on the three key 
differences between Poet+Mason and analagous combos, e.g. Catalyst+TT, 
Dancer+TT, and Mojolicious.

1) Builds upon the best of CPAN

Poet+Mason depends proudly on Moose and Plack/PSGI (as well as a few other 
best-of-breed CPAN distributions). Being able to depend on the presence of 
these powerful modules means that we get quite a lot for free, and can focus on 
interesting features instead of reinventing the wheel. Mason components compile 
down to Moose classes. Mason and Poet plugins are Moose roles. Poet freely 
takes advantage of PSGI middleware and uses the Plack::Request/Plack::Response 
objects as a base request/response API.  There aren't separate branches of code 
or feature sets or documentation for Moose/non-Moose users or for PSGI/non-PSGI 

In contrast, Dancer and Mojolicious are proud of their lack of dependencies, 
because it makes installation easier; true enough. But this means a lot of 
wheel reinvention and divergent usage patterns depending on what is present. 
Dancer, for example, invents its own before/after hooks and its own base 
request/response API. Mojolicious, with its zero dependency promise, has to 
reinvent everything for its baseline behavior.

Some people do seem afraid of the cost of Moose installation and of largish 
installation chains in general. So for them, the lack of dependencies is an 
advantage. My feeling is that tools like local::lib and perlbrew and cpanm and 
Pinto and Carton make it increasingly easy to control the Perl and CPAN 
environment that your application uses (with or without root access), so why 
not depend on the best?

2) Perl-based template language

Mason does not attempt to invent a new programming language syntax for 
templates.  It is just Perl, wrapped with just enough extra syntax and features 
to facilitiate templating. Mason components compile into Moose classes in an 
obvious way.

This gives Mason templates enormous power (whatever Perl can do, Mason can do) 
and just as importantly, predictability - if you know Perl and Moose then you 
know how your components will behave, and if you forget how a piece of Mason 
syntax translates, you can just look at the compiled class or walk through with 
the Perl debugger.

In contrast, TT is really is a separate language that you have to learn and 
understand.  It is well-designed in some aspects, but is undeniably (and 
intentionally) weak compared with Perl and has a number of well-known quirks 
(e.g. with variable scoping).

One purported advantage of TT over Mason is that it is friendlier for 
non-programmers (e.g. designers). Another is that its weakness as a programming 
language is actually a strength, in that it encourages you to put complex code 
into Perl classes.

The paragraphs above apply equally to HTML::Template, except it is even further 
along the intetionally-weak/quirky/designer-friendly spectrum.

3) Combined controller and view

In most frameworks the controllers and views are strictly separated. A 
controller gathers data from appropriate model(s), then constructs a hash of 
data and passes it to a template to render the page.

In theory the controller method and template are decoupled, so that you could 
create multiple templates for a single controller method (one for browser, one 
for mobile, etc.).

In practice, you almost never do this; there is one template per controller 
method, and the two *are* quite coupled. If you want to figure out how a page 
is rendered, you have to look at both the controller and view. If you want to 
change how the page is rendered in any meaningful way, you have to modify both 
the controller and the view. So with Catalyst development you constantly having 
to look in, and edit, two places at once. You also have more decisions to make 
about which code goes where.

In Poet+Mason, it's very clear which component handles a URL, and that 
component contains both the controller and the view. You only have to look in 
one place and modify things in one place, and you aren't wasting time packing 
and unpacking a stash in between two coupled pieces of code.

Catalyst and MVC devotees would say that the separation between C and V is 
valuable, to ensure you aren't "doing too much" in templates. Whether this 
applies when said templates compile to full OO classes is less clear.

Hope that helps!

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