Let's say there is a component title.mi which contains some information 
determined by child component of Base.mc.
'title.mi' component is called in <%augment wrap> method of Base.mc like:
has 'title';
<%augment wrap>
% $.Defer {{
<& 'title.mi' &>
% }}
<% inner() %>
title.mi :
<% $.title %>
The original 'title.mi' component is actually quite large and i don't want to 
put the code inside Base.mc.
Is there a way to set the 'title' attribute in child component of Base.mc (i.e. 
index.mc by writing $.title('deferred value') ) so that 'title.mi' will be 
executed with deferred value of 'title' attr?
As I understand, defer method gets a block of code and inserts it into the 
output at request end (executing this block by CODE->() and replacing the 
markups with executed code).
I know that calling component via <& &>, which is eq to $m->comp, executes the 
code that is inside.
$m->construct constructs and return a new instance of the component, but is 
there a way to call a main method of this component by the Defer plugin?

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