Brian M Dial <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This may sound odd and impracticle, but it's at a remote site that I
> won't get to to change for a while so please don't respond with "hay
> dummie, that's a lame setup"

Odd and impractical only begin to describe it.  It's downright bizarre. 
No wonder your Linux box is confused.

> So basically it's masquerading for machines that have real IPs.

There's no reason to do masquerading from that subnet, because the
machines can reach the net without the masq box's help at all.  In fact,
I am rather certain that they are indeed doing so.  I don't think your
masquerade is working at all, in fact.  The reason that you are able to
connect to the net is because the machines can reach the net without the
masq box's help.

> However, whenever one of the NT machines goes to a website for the
> *first* time they get an error in their browser that the remote server
> reset the connection.  Then, if they reload the page it reloads fine. 
> anytime they go back to that site it loads fine too.  But as soon as
> they go to a page that they've never been to before, it resets the
> connection for the first visit to the page.

I believe that what's happening is that the NT box attempts to connect
through the masq box, and the masq box, detecting that the forwarding
attempt is bogus (forwarding from the net back to the same net it came
from), it sends an ICMP Redirect back to the NT box, and the NT box adds
an entry to its route table, pointing to the proper gateway.  Then, the
next time you attempt the connection, the new route will point the NT
box to the real gateway, bypassing the masq box entirely.  Check your
route table on the NT box, after a few connection attempts, and see if
this is the case.  I think you will see static routes added for every
site you try to visit.

> I'm almost positive this has something to do with the wierd
> masquerading situation that I can only attest to not being the one
> that set it up. 

It sounds to me like you can turn off the masq box and point the NT
boxes to the real default gateway, and everything will work just fine.

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