>But I can't understand half of the rules....
>And this is really boring for me...

Yeah.. it is pretty dry stuff.  I know where you are coming 

>> /sbin/ipfwadm -I -a accept -b -P tcp -S 80 -D
>> 1024:65535
>That did not work much more....

Try pulling the "-b" option out and try again.

>Hummmm... Where I can find a doc about
>the difference between the different list,
>and in particular -F -I and -O.
>Or can you explain us (for all masq reader) clearly what is their 

Well, you could read the ipfwadm man page but its pretty ugly.

How is this?  I just added it to my TrinityOS doc so if you 
have anything to add to make it clearer, etc.. lemmie know.


Think of a IPFWADM or IPCHAINS ruleset like the following:

                - All interfaces (any network cards, the localhost
                  interface, etc) on a Linux box have INPUT, OUTPUT,
                  and FORWARD rules.

        For example:

                - Say you have a packet from the Internet that 
                  wants to reach your Linux box.

                1) The packet is sent from the remote computer
                        on the Internet

                2) The packet is received on the INPUT rule on 
                        the -External NIC card- of the Linux box

                3) If the packet is matched to allow the packet

                           Some matching criteria can include:
                                - source IP address
                                - traffic on TCP and specific port 
                                - traffic on TCP and specific port 
                                - destination IP address
                                - etc

                        then let the packet though.  If not matched, 
                        its either REJECTED or DENIED.  You can 
                        also log the fact that this packet was

                4) If passed, the packet then goes to the Linux
                        box to be processed.  Once the reply 
                        traffic is calculated by TELNET, etc, this 
                        output traffic is then sent to the OUTPUT 

                5) If the packet is matched to allow the packet
                        through, its let though.  (see #3 above).
                        If not matched, its either REJECTED or 
                        DENIED.  You can also log the fact that 
                        this packet was killed.

                6) If passed, the packet leaves the Linux box to go
                   over the Internet connection destined to that
                   remote computer.

                NOTE:  As you've seen, I've left out the FORWARD 
                        rule.  Basically, all that the FORWARD rule
                        does is if the packet is matched to be
                        allowed, the packet is FORWARDed directly
                        to some other interface.  Once forwarded,
                        the receiving interface will still try to
                        match this packet against it's INPUT rule. 

                                 |      Linux TCP/IP stack      |
                                 |                              |
                            +--->| Input:              Output:  |
                            |    +------------------------------+
                            |                             |
                            |                             |
           +----------- +   |           +------------+    |  
           | Input      |   |           | Output     |    |
           |  Rule      |   |           |  Rule      |    |
           |            |   |           |            |    |
   +-IN--->|  P a s s ? |---+       +---|  P a s s ? |<---+
   |       |     or     |           |   |     or     |
   ^       |Deny/Reject?|           |   |Deny/Reject?|
--------   +------------+           |   +------------+
  Send           |                  |          |
--------         +--> Dump packet   |          +--> Dump packet   
Remote            (possibly log it) |           (possibly log it)
Internet                            |
site                                |
--------                            |
 Receive <--------------------------+

|  David A. Ranch - Linux/Networking/PC hardware         [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
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