Dear MAT friends,

During LACNIC 40 (Fortaleza, Brazil) [1], there will be a session of the Internet Measurements Working Group (IMWG) on Friday 6 October 2023.

The IMWG is a new working group with similar goals of MAT but focuses on creating bridges among academia, researchers, and network operators in the LACNIC region. The mailing list of the IMWG is

Since this year the LACNIC and RIPE events will be more than a month apart, I'm asking here help in creating the agenda for IMWG.

The IMWG is looking for presentations on Internet measurements, network data collection, data analysis and tools.

Please, submit your presentation proposal by September 22 by sending an email at

We prefer talks of 15min. Include in your email a title, a draft of the presentation, a paragraph describing what you will talk about and why the topic is of interest for the community, and if you are planning to present in person or remotely.

Feel free to share this message on other channels.





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