
I cannot speak for HE but both RIPE Atlas and RIS have a commercial use policy. What you want to do may fall firmly in that. IANAL but "commercial use" may not be a black or white thing though...

More broadly speaking, we are aware that both services (and perhaps more) have what we can call "aggregators" as their users - entities who have clients/users/customers whose questions are answered (partly) by consulting Atlas or RIS or more. This could be for commercial or non-commercial reasons. In these cases on the service end we don't really know who the real users are and why are their questions asked. Having a lot of users behind a single service doesn't necessarily help here as this, at a minimum, skews our statistics and understanding who and why is using the service - because the real users can "hide" behind an aggregator.

Perhaps there's a dialog to be had about how to improve here. With RIPE87 rapidly approaching, there may even be a face to face venue for this soon! :-)


On 2023-10-10 11:58, Ben Cartwright-Cox via mat-wg wrote:
Hello everybody!

I was wondering around what are the rules and views on “open user
access” to RIPE Atlas ( as in non-authenticated users being able to
make RIPE atlas measurements)

I ask because as of this morning I noticed that hurricane electric’s
bgp.he.net tool is now allowing users to make right atlas measurements
without any authentication to RIPE Atlas,  this was surprising to me
as when I asked a NCC staff member at the last meeting in Berlin about
doing something similar to this I was explicitly told that this would
not be desired.

I cannot remember who told me this ( and I don't have an easy way of
finding out again )  but assuming this is allowed I will happily copy
this for bgp.tools

But I'd like to check with Atlas people before doing such a thing.


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