Hi Ben, all

We have looked into this matter and discussed it internally.

The desired use case (at least initially) was to only allow measurements by authenticated users. This is reflected in the RIPE Atlas Terms and Conditions, where it says "measurements can be requested either by using the RIPE Atlas Portal or API command, authenticated with the key generated by the User." A User is defined as a person “who has access through their personal credentials to the RIPE Atlas Portal and API and may perform Measurements." In addition, when RIPE Atlas is used for commercial purposes, the RIPE Atlas commercial use policy must be followed.

We understand that allowing measurements via authenticated users (“aggregators”) can be useful to the community and we see the benefit in allowing this. Therefore, we will create a draft framework that can accommodate aggregators and we plan to share this for the community’s input ahead of RIPE 87. Until then, the current framework applies.

In the meantime, we are also reaching out to HE to discuss this issue with them.



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