 From George N. Schmidt,  Editor, Substance,  5132 W. Berteau, 
Chicago, IL 60641; (773) 725-7502.

Hello Colleagues:

Tom Reece and the incumbent leaders of the Chicago Teachers Union 
have been dumped by vote of the union's membership.

Here is some news from Substance that you won't read in the 
newspapers for a couple of more days.

The final tallies of the voting in the May 18, Chicago Teachers Union 
election will not be announced until Friday, May 25.

At this time, however, tallies of the ballots shows that the 
incumbent leaders of the fourth largest local in the American 
Federation of Teachers have been decisively defeated in their bid to 
return to power.

An opposition caucus -- PACT -- which includes some of the most 
outspoken opponents of the Vallas administration and its mindless 
commitment to standardized testing has been elected to all major 
offices in the 34,000-member Chicago Teachers Union.

First indications of the size of the landslide which took place when 
teachers and other union members voted in their schools last Friday 
are now in.

With 99 percent of the votes tabulated on what is called the "long 
ballot", at 5:00 p.m. yesterday (May 22), the following numbers (and 
percentages) were known from reliable sources:

PACT (the challenger slate, headed by Marquette Elementary teacher 
Deborah Lynch Walsh) had 11,272 votes, or roughly 56 percent of the 
total vote. The United Progressive Caucus (CTU President Tom Reece's 
incumbent slate) had 8,746 votes, a bit less than 44 percent of the 

Since the 1970s, the "UPC" (as Reece's caucus is known) has been the 
local version of the American Federation of Teachers national 
"Progressive Caucus" which is currently headed by AFT president Sandy 

Because more than 4,000 CTU members are in categories (generally, 
retirees) which are not eligible to vote in citywide elections for 
officers, the total number of eligible voters on May 18 was a bit less
than 30,000 union members. The number of teachers and union members 
voting has been between 21,000 and 23,000 in most elections and 
referendums for the past ten years. 

These numbers and percentages are known based on the tally of the 
ballots cast on the "long" (convention delegate) ballot at election 
time last week. Members of the Chicago Teachers Union cast their 
votes on two separate ballots. A "short" ballot is used to elect 
candidates for citywide offices (president, vice president, financial 
secretary, recording secretary, and treasurer) and the members of the 
executive board representing the various "functional groups" (high 
school teachers, elementary teachers, etc.) within the union.

A longer ballot is used to elect delegates to the conventions of the 
American  Federation of Teachers and Illinois Federation of Teachers.

Since 1984, when Substance first began following the details of union 
elections, this tally has reflected the outcome of the city-wide vote 
for union officers. The percentages of votes on the convention slate 
is usually the same as the percentages on the ballot for officers.

This means that the opposition slate has won a victory for all 
citywide offices. Details of the elections in the functional groups 
will not be available for a few more days. Substance exit polls 
(which continue to come  in) show that PACT won the high school 
teacher vote (at the more than 90
Chicago high schools) overwhelmingly (at some, by votes of 100 or 
more to ten or less). PACT has also apparently been winning the 
voting among elementary teachers by a slight majority.

When the officers of the Chicago Teachers Union take office on July 
1, the  president will be Deborah Lynch Walsh, formerly of Marquette 
Elementary School; the vice president will be Howard Heath, formerly 
of Lane Technical  High School, and the majority of other elected 
officials of the union will  come from a non-incumbent caucus for the 
first time in more than 30 years.

The current union leadership has supported Chicago's testocratic 
version of "school reform" since Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley was 
given dictatorial power over the schools in 1995. CTU president Tom 
Reece received the support  of Paul Vallas, of the city's business 
weekly (Crain's Chicago Business) and, in an unprecedent move for a 
local union election, the endorsement of the city's second largest 
circulation daily newspaper, the Chicago Sun-Times. In an editorial 
on May 17, the Sun-Times told the teachers they should vote for Reece 
and continue to act responsibly by following the Vallas 

There will be thousand of details to follow. Tom Reece, Norma White, 
Pam Massarsky, Melvin Wilson, Michael Williams, and the other 
officers of the Chicago Teachers Union who collaborated with Paul 
Vallas and with the teacher bashing and testocracies of the Daley 
administration are now entitled to return to their teaching jobs at 
the schools where they worked before they went on leave to work full 
time for the union. In some cases, these people have not been inside 
public school classroom as teachers since Jimmy Carter was President 
of the United States.

Deborah Lynch Walsh, Howard Heath, and the other newly elected 
officers of the largest union local in Illinois are supposed to take 
office July 1. At that time, they will official begin serving their 
three-year terms and will  be on leave from their teaching jobs.
George N. Schmidt,  Editor, Substance,  5132 W. Berteau,  Chicago, IL 
60641; (773) 725-7502.
Jerry P.Becker
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, IL  62901-4610  USA
Phone:  (618) 453-4241  [O]
             (618)  457-8903 [H]
Fax:      (618) 453-4244

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