Further details for the conference can be found at 



Mathematics Education for a Knowledge-Based Era

May 27-31, 2002


The second ICMI-EARCOME (East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics 
Education) is to be held in Singapore in May 2002. This conference, 
organized by an International Programme Committee, will be hosted by 
the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological 
University, Singapore and the Association of Mathematics Educators, 
Singapore. This conference will also be designated as the Ninth 
Southeast Asian Conference on Mathematics Education or SEACME 9.

EARCOME 2002 combines two conferences in two separate series of 
conferences in the East Asia region. The First East Asian Regional 
Conference on Mathematics Education (EARCOME) was held in Korea in 
1998. Two earlier East Asian conferences held before EARCOME were the 
ICMI-China Regional Conferences on Mathematics Education, Beijing 
(1991) and Shanghai (1994). The SEACME series has a longer history 
and the conferences are held triennially, in Manilla (1978), Kuala 
Lumpur (1981), Haad Yai (1984), Singapore (1987), Brunei (1990), 
Surabaya (1993), Hanoi (1996) and Manila (1999).

Singapore is a small nation situated at one of the most important 
crossroads of the world. It is a country where modern facilities and 
a fast pace of life combine with traditional values of the ancient 
civilizations of our forebears. Singapore was put on the world map of 
Mathematics Education with her students' performance in the Third 
International Mathematics and Science Study [TIMSS]. While proud of 
our students' achievement, Singapore educators realize that there is 
much to learn from the international community of Mathematics 
Educators. It is our belief that our teachers and educators will 
truly benefit from this conference which will bring to our shores 
mathematics educators who will share their expertise and discuss the 
many issues in mathematics education. We invite you to be a part of 
this exchange of ideas and look forward to your participation in 

Ng Swee Fong, Chairperson
Local Organising Committee


"Mathematics Education for A Knowledge-Based Era"

The conference theme will be explored through four principal areas :

. Assessment

. Technology

. Teacher Education

. Curriculum

It is anticipated that papers will address the conference theme, 
reflecting upon issues, concerns and consideration appropriate to 
mathematics teaching and learning at primary, secondary and 
post-secondary levels.

We must acknowledge the extraordinary and accelerating rate of change 
that is occurring in our knowledge-based era. Much of this change is 
dominated by quantitative information and the means used to 
communicate this information. As educators,

.  How can we adjust to the requirements of new knowledge, tools, 
ways of doing and communicating mathematics, and so on ?

.  How do we make adjustments to include support for learners with a 
host of diverse needs?

.  How can the needs of learners be addressed to meet the demands of 
a rapidly changing world?

Researchers, policy makers, mathematics educators and teachers are 
invited to share their knowledge at the first ICMI-EARCOME conference 
of the twenty-first century.



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. Participate in the exhibition. Please send me more information.

. Interested in sponsorship opportunities. Please send me more information.

Please mail, fax or E-mail this Reply Slip to:

Conference Secretariat
c/o Conference & Travel Management Associates Pte Ltd
425A Race Course Road
Singapore 218671
Republic of Singapore

Phone:    (65) 299-8992
Fax :       (65) 299-8983
Details of the conference can be found at the website: 
Jerry P.Becker
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, IL  62901-4610  USA
Phone:  (618) 453-4241  [O]
             (618)  457-8903 [H]
Fax:      (618) 453-4244

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