Dear Contributers,

As of today emacs matlab, is (only) a MELPA pkg (besides dwelling in
sourceforge and in github), but not in ELPA.

The main reason for this decision was that some code was owned by
mathworks. That however has changes quite some time ago, but I was too
busy to address its implication.

In order that matlab emacs enters ELPA, there are some necessary
conditions to satisfy.

    1. All current contributers must sign the relevant papers of the FSF. As far
       as I can remember, Eric did, John I think too, and I as well.
       Could you please confirm?

    2. So it would be nice if new contributers signed these papers as well.

    3. Contributions made in ancient times (or some time ago) are a more
       complicated issue.

git shortlog -ns | more

tells me 

 Eric Ludlam (zappo)
  Uwe Brauer
  John Ciolfi

While hg churn (yes I use hg-git) tells me 


But there are others I recall

Matt Wette for example

 04Jan91 by Matt Wette
    Created.  Used eiffel.el as a guide.

 07Dec96 by Matt Wette 
  incorporated many fixes from Mats Bengtsson

       These authors might be difficult to find, but as far as I can
       remember Eric told me that he basically

 EL> Regarding searching for contributors, over the years I replaced a huge 
amount of the old matlab.el code. 

       rewrote every contribution done by these authors.

I have to check this issue with with the FSF or on the emacs dev mailing
list. Maybe git blame (or hg annotate) would help.

I found an very old matlab.el file, in which the changlog file is
appended. However it is a bit murky since it sometimes not clear whether
a given author did a feature request/proposal or an actual contribution.

Before bring this subject to the FSF or the emacs dev mailing list:

Would all current (or future) developers willing to sign the
corresponding FSF papers?



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