Hi all. I would like to properly install this matlab mode in GNU emacs.
I downloaded the whole package.
I added an init.el file in my .emacs.d/ directory that emacs is picking up
when starting
I have added the following lines of codes in the init.el

(add-to-list 'load-path "c:\matlab_mode\matlab-emacs-src\matlab.el")
(require 'matlab-load)

When I open emacs, I get this error:

Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading

File error: Cannot open load file, No such file or directory, matlab-load

So basically it can't find matlab-load.

When I look in the matlab mode installation directories:
I see these:

04/10/2021  10:45 AM    <DIR>          .
04/10/2021  10:45 AM    <DIR>          ..
04/10/2021  08:49 AM               104 .gitignore
04/10/2021  08:49 AM    <DIR>          bin
04/10/2021  08:49 AM             2,004 cedet-matlab.el
04/10/2021  08:49 AM            33,921 ChangeLog
04/10/2021  08:49 AM            45,107 ChangeLog.old1
04/10/2021  08:49 AM            22,635 ChangeLog.old2
04/10/2021  08:49 AM             3,779 company-matlab-shell.el
04/10/2021  08:49 AM             3,930 dl_emacs_support.m
04/10/2021  08:49 AM             1,787 INSTALL
04/10/2021  08:49 AM            16,834 linemark.el
04/10/2021  08:49 AM             2,112 Makefile
04/10/2021  08:49 AM             8,481 matlab-cgen.el
04/10/2021  08:49 AM            10,238 matlab-compat.el
04/10/2021  08:49 AM            22,194 matlab-complete.el
04/10/2021  08:49 AM             5,461 matlab-maint.el
04/10/2021  08:49 AM               320 matlab-mode-pkg.el
04/10/2021  08:49 AM             7,315 matlab-netshell.el
04/10/2021  08:49 AM             8,777 matlab-publish.el
04/10/2021  08:49 AM            36,053 matlab-shell-gud.el
04/10/2021  08:49 AM            98,819 matlab-shell.el
04/10/2021  08:49 AM             7,830 matlab-topic.el
04/10/2021  08:49 AM           166,149 matlab.el
04/10/2021  08:49 AM            32,732 mlint.el
04/10/2021  08:49 AM             3,174 NEWS.org
04/10/2021  08:49 AM             1,199 Project.ede
04/10/2021  08:49 AM             4,917 README.org
04/10/2021  08:49 AM            30,708 semantic-matlab.el
04/10/2021  08:49 AM            14,021 semanticdb-matlab.el
04/10/2021  08:49 AM             3,226 srecode-matlab.el
04/10/2021  08:49 AM    <DIR>          templates
04/10/2021  08:49 AM    <DIR>          tests
04/10/2021  08:49 AM            20,502 tlc.el
04/10/2021  08:49 AM    <DIR>          toolbox
              29 File(s)        614,329 bytes
               6 Dir(s)  47,419,650,048 bytes free

I don't see a matlab-load anywhere here.
I am sure I am missing some steps in here, or there is something
fundamental I am not understanding.
Your help will be appreciated.
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