Eric Firing wrote:
> Norbert Nemec wrote:
>> OK, I found the problem and committed a temporary fix. The real problem,
>> however is rooted a bit deeper.
>> First an explanation of the intended change:
>> It used to be that marker colors were partly automatic, but not
>> completely. I.e.
>>     plot(x,y,'-or')
>> would set both, line color and marker color to red. However
>>     plot(x,y,color='r')
>> would set only the line color and leave marker color to the default.
>> My change was to introduce a special value 'auto' for markeredgecolor and
>> markerfacecolor. This special value would cause the marker color to
>> always follow
>> the line color. (Which is, in 99% of the cases, what you want.) Most of
>> the special logic in could therefore go away. mfc and mec would
>> simply be left at 'auto' unless explicitely assigned another color. The
>> handling of the special value would then happen in at time of
>> plotting. (including the effect that for filled markers, the edge would
>> default to black)
> In your explanation above, it is not clear what happens in each of the 4 
> cases: mec auto or non-auto, and mfc auto or non-auto.

mec and mfc are handled independently.

markeredges are drawn using:
mec, if mec!='auto'
color, if mec=='auto' and marker not in filled_markers
black, if mec=='auto' and marker in filled_marker

markerfaces are drawn using:
mfc, if mfc!='auto'
color, if mfc=='auto'

Since non-filled markers are considered 'edges' without filling, this
logic is necessary to get the correct behavior.

> In looking at your original patch, I also wondered what is the reason 
> for supporting 3 different ways of specifying "_draw_nothing"?  (I had 
> not previously noticed that there was any such thing at all, and I guess 
> I don't understand what it is for.)
> class Line2D(Artist):
>      _lineStyles =  {
>          '-'    : '_draw_solid',
>          '--'   : '_draw_dashed',
>          '-.'   : '_draw_dash_dot',
>          ':'    : '_draw_dotted',
>          'steps': '_draw_steps',
>          'None' : '_draw_nothing',
>          ' '    : '_draw_nothing',
>          ''     : '_draw_nothing',
>      }
The idea was to be able to say something like
which seemed a bit more intuitive to me than line='None' when I created
the patch. By now, I wonder about it myself...

If there is an objection against this detail, I can revert it. I
probably should have split the patch in parts in the first place.
Unfortunately, the different parts had become more interdependent than I
would have liked.

> I was also a little uncomfortable with pushing some of the color 
> decision logic all the way down into the draw method, together with a 
> default value, although maybe there is no better way to get the desired 
> behavior:
>          if self._marker is not None:
>              gc = renderer.new_gc()
>              if (is_string_like(self._markeredgecolor) and
>                  self._markeredgecolor == 'auto'):
>                  if self._marker in self.filled_markers:
>                      gc.set_foreground('k')
>                  else:
>                      gc.set_foreground(self._color)
>              else:
>                  gc.set_foreground(self._markeredgecolor)
This was the cleanest solution. If the decision is made earlier, one
always has to store not only the value of mec, but also, whether it was
set explicitely or automatically. Otherwise, the marker color is not
updated when set_color is called on an existing graph. (Which was the
problem that started my whole effort)

>> The problem in r2790: I changed the default value in matplotlibrc to
>> 'auto' and everything worked fine for me. I forgot that, of course,
>> anybody updating from an older version, would still have the values
>> 'blue' and 'black' in their matplotlibrc, which would not be overridden
>> by the '.r' option that Stefan used.
> This is not the first time matplotlibrc has bitten us, and it won't be 
> the last...
> But *shouldn't* '.r' override a setting in matplotlibrc, regardless of 
> what that setting is?  I think it should have set the mfc, or preferably 
> both the mfc and the mec.
OK, that would be an alternative solution: set both mfc and mec to
'auto', whenever the color is specified using a format string. However,
this would mean that the rcfile options markeredgecolor and
markerfacecolor are often ignored, even if they were set on purpose. If
that is the case, one could just as well deactivate them completely and
prevent some confusion.

>> The (temporary) solution in r2800: I deactivated the
>> rcfile-configurability of markeredgecolor and markerfacecolor. Assuming
>> that hardly anybody would want to change the 'auto' behavior in their
>> rcfile, this should be a good solution until we have solved the core
>> problem.
>> The core problem: The matplotlibrc file distributed with matplotlib
>> contains all the default values in non-commented lines. This file is
>> usually copied to the home-directory of any user, making it impossible
>> to simply change any default value in later versions. It is not possible
>> to find out which values in the users matplotlibrc were set on purpose
>> and which were just left untouched from the distributed file.
>> The better solution: place '#' at the beginning of every line in
>> matplotlibrc.template (except for 'backend' and 'numerix' which carry
>> important information) Any user who explicitely wants to change a value,
>> can simply uncomment the line and set a value. Otherwise, the default
>> value from matplotlib/ will remain active, even if changed in
>> an update. Of course, this would only make sense, if users were informed
>> and encouraged to replace their personal matplotlibrc
> This seems like a good idea, and one that is consistent with the way 
> many other configurable systems are often handled.  I think that 
> regardless of what else is done, this would reduce pain during updates; 
> it would also make it easier for the user to see what changes to the 
> defaults he/she has made.
So, should we simply do that? The only problem that I see is, that
matplotlibrc.template will probably soon be out of sync with
defaultParams in, once there is no necessity for developers
to update it.

>> The ultimate solution: The file matplotlib.template should probably be
>> dropped completely and be auto-created from the information in
>> matplotlib/ - this would remove quite some redundancy and
>> potential for inconsistencies.
> Reducing redundancy is appealing, but I don't know if it would be worth 
> the effort of implementing your auto-generation idea--which might add 
> clutter and complexity to
Not necessarily. I was thinking of moving defaultParams out of to a separate file, which can be imported by to
write matplotlibrc. This would even reduce the complexity of However, it will need some cleanup first to reduce
dependencies. I've started on that, but it will take some more time.

In any case, this auto-generation would solve the problem of a
increasingly outdated matplotlibrc.template.

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