On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 5:47 PM, Ryan May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ok, I think I found our problem, at line 859 of backend_ps.py (inside
> _print_ps()):
>        self.figure.set_dpi(72) # Override the dpi kwarg
>        dpi = kwargs.get("dpi", 72)
> The problem here is that while it sets the figure dpi here to 72, it's using
> the dpi that's passed in down the chain.  Since I don't give it a dpi
> explicity, it grabs the default dpi from my matplotlibrc, which has it set
> to 300 dpi.  So 300 is getting passed down into the chain and I believe the
> drawing commands are using 300 dpi.  If I change the second line above to
> dpi = 72, I get the proper results.

Yes, we definitely need to get this fixed before any release, but we
need to be careful here.  I had forgotten that Nicholas Young had
submitted a patch to make the ps backend respect higher resolutions
for embedded images


so we cannot simply revert this to 72.  I also see the problem you
pointed out in the collections module too.  While I don't have a quick
fix at hand, at least we are starting to converge onto where the
problems lie. Note that in the collections module the
IdentityTransform is  bit of a red herring in the set_transforms
method, since the collection maintains a list of transforms in
_transforms that incorporates a dpi a draw time so I don't thing the
standard artist transform property is used.

> 2) backend_ps._print_figure() uses the md5 module to create a temporary
> filename.  This module is deprecated in python 2.5 and removed (I believe)
> in 3.0, replaced by hashlib.  Is there any opposition to changing the direct
> use of md5.md5() to using a try...except to import md5() from it's proper
> place?

I wasn't aware of the deprecation so I don't have any strong opinion,
except that it wold be better if you can find a non-deprecated
equivalent which is python 2.4 and 2.5 compatible.


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