>> Yes, I didn't know that either. But it's not clear if I can plot
>> discrete data using this interface - at least the examples on the wiki
> I am not sure if I understand your question, but It only plots
> discrete data --- it takes some sympy expression, evaluates it on a
> discrete grid and plots it. So you would just take the plotting stuff.

OK, but it wasn't clear from the example that I could plot a 3D array
of arbitrary data points. The way that you put together the demo plots
involved a symbolic function that would be called to generate the
points. Maybe you could add an example that plots some arbitrary data
that has been imported from a text file?

>> make it look that way. I'm also +1 on seeing it moved into mpl, but I
>> don't know if the APIs and dependencies are too dissimilar to make it
>> work.
> There are no dependencies besides pyglet (e.g.  it does not depend on
> sympy, or if it does, it can be trivially fixed).

Well, I meant more like is there a design dependency that is
incompatible with mpl. I'll shut up now because I know zilch about
mpl's internals!

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