In article <>,
 Michael Droettboom <> 

> I have tagged and uploaded matplotlib 1.3.0 final.  Congratulations to 
> all involved!  It was a long slog getting this release out, and I 
> appreciate everyone's patience.
> Once we have binaries uploaded to SourceForge, I will make a formal 
> announcement in the usual channels.

I built the Mac binary on MacOS X 10.6 but have run into two problems:
- Most of the unit tests are missing, so I can't properly test the 
results. But my application that uses matplotlib and TkAgg works fine, 
so may well be OK. Also, I checked and the installer was trying to build 
all expected backends (including the native Mac backend).

- When the 1.3.0 installer is used to overwrite matplotlib 1.2.1 (and 
the pytz and dateutil that it installs) it breaks pytz and dateutils, by 
deleting most of the contents, leaving only a subdir named zoneinfo in 
each package (with different contents for each package).

Installing a new pytz and dateutils and running the 1.3.0 binary 
installer (overwriting matplotlib 1.3.0 or no matplotlib at all) leaves 
these packages functional (though it changes the modification date, so 
it's doing something).

I have replicated this several times.

I'm not sure whether to upload this installer. It's a bit dangerous and 
ill tested.

-- Russell

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