In article <>,
 Michael Droettboom <> 

> On 07/31/2013 05:05 PM, Russell E. Owen wrote:
> > In article <>,
> >   Michael Droettboom <>
> >   wrote:
> >
> >> On 07/31/2013 01:47 PM, Russell E. Owen wrote:
> >>> In article <>,
> >>>    Michael Droettboom <>
> >>>    wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> I have tagged and uploaded matplotlib 1.3.0 final.  Congratulations to
> >>>> all involved!  It was a long slog getting this release out, and I
> >>>> appreciate everyone's patience.
> >>>>
> >>>> Once we have binaries uploaded to SourceForge, I will make a formal
> >>>> announcement in the usual channels.
> >>> I built the Mac binary on MacOS X 10.6 but have run into two problems:
> >>> - Most of the unit tests are missing, so I can't properly test the
> >>> results. But my application that uses matplotlib and TkAgg works fine,
> >>> so may well be OK. Also, I checked and the installer was trying to build
> >>> all expected backends (including the native Mac backend).
> >> What do you mean the unit tests are missing?  They don't run?  Can you
> >> send the output from nose?
> > I have appended my test log. I don't know how to run the tests using
> > nose, but will be happy to have a go with instructions. (Running
> > "nosetests" in the matplotlib source dir does nothing useful).
> Thanks.  It's using nose under the hood, so that's exactly what I 
> meant.  I should have been more clear.
> I'm not sure what might be causing this.  As a sanity check (and maybe 
> you've already done this), have you tried doing "rm -rf matplotlib*" in 
> your site-packages directory?
> >
> >> Glad to hear about the installer building the macosx backend -- that was
> >> pretty serious when it wasn't doing that.
> >>
> >>> - When the 1.3.0 installer is used to overwrite matplotlib 1.2.1 (and
> >>> the pytz and dateutil that it installs) it breaks pytz and dateutils, by
> >>> deleting most of the contents, leaving only a subdir named zoneinfo in
> >>> each package (with different contents for each package).
> >>>
> >>> Installing a new pytz and dateutils and running the 1.3.0 binary
> >>> installer (overwriting matplotlib 1.3.0 or no matplotlib at all) leaves
> >>> these packages functional (though it changes the modification date, so
> >>> it's doing something).
> >> I thought you were including pytz and dateutils in your installer. Is
> >> that not the case?  If not, isn't it enough to document that matplotlib
> >> now doesn't ship with these dependencies, and they will need to be
> >> installed using pip or other means?  Can they be installed afterward and
> >> have things work?
> > matplotlib used to include pytz and dateutil in its installation. This
> > seemed to be a very good thing overall, since it made sure the
> > dependencies were satisfied, though it is possible that it occasionally
> > overwrite a version the user would have preferred to have.
> It also made it impossible to install security updates in those other 
> packages, which was a problem for Linux distros, MacPorts, homebrew, etc.

I confess I'm surprised because this feature was disabled by default. I 
had to manually enable it whenever I made a binary installer by editing 

> > In any case the matplotlib developers removed support for this feature
> > in 1.3. As a result, binary installers now have to tell users to install
> > these packages manually (as well as six and pyparsing). It may be
> > possible to postprocess the Mac binary installer to install these
> > packages, but I don't know how to do it.
> I thought that was the solution we had arrived at in the earlier 
> discussion.  I'm sorry if I misunderstood.  If you "python 
> install" matplotlib into a fresh virtualenv, it will install all of 
> these dependencies.  Then that virtualenv's site-packages directory can 
> be used as the basis for the contents of the installer.  As I'm not a 
> Mac guy, and I don't understand how the installer is built, is there a 
> reason that wouldn't work?

I build the Mac binaries using bdist_mpkg. I'm afraid I don't know how 
it works under the hood. It creates an "mpkg" binary installer in the 
dist subdirectory. To run tests, I install matplotlib (using that mpkg 
installer), since there isn't an obvious way to tests on the mpkg.

I'm sure it's possible to accumulate all the files as you suggest and 
turn them into a binary installer, but I don't know how to do it.

Is it useful in the long term to have such a packager? My impression is 
that as soon as packaging is more robust we'll switch to using pip or 

> > The problem is that under some circumstances the new installer may trash
> > existing installations of python-dateutils and pytz. I consider that
> > unacceptable. Why break things that are already installed?
> Have you investigated how that's happening?   There are no components by 
> that name in the current matplotlib, so they shouldn't be touched, 
> unless the old matplotlib was using .pth files for them or something, I 
> suppose, but I don't think it was by default.  Have you investigated 
> what exactly the installer is clobbering?  Maybe take a snapshot of the 
> site-packages tree before the installer and then using a tree diffing 
> tool to see what the differences are afterward.

The old matplotlib was not using .pth files (at least I never found any 
in site-packages).

> > In other words, we seem to have the worst of the old world and the new:
> > don't install the new packages but perhaps break them if they already
> > exist. Unfortunately breakage is likely to be the norm because most
> > users will be upgrading from matplotlib 1.2.1.
> I think we need to get to the bottom of why it's breaking the old 
> installations of pytz and dateutil.  Then we can hopefully address 
> that.  Does the installer try to uninstall what the old installer 
> installed first, perhaps?

That is an interesting suggestion. I"m not an expert, but I thought mpkg 
files usually didn't know how to uninstall old files (though one can add 
scripts to do this).

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