Hi all,

At the time when the Mac OS X backend was first introduced, its performance was 
significantly better than other backends, but this was due to the way its event 
loop is organized. Nowadays the other backends use the same event loop 
organization, and as far as I know currently there is no significant 
performance difference between Agg and macosx.
So now the only advantage of the Mac OS X backend is that it does not depend on 
3rd-party libraries, and therefore is a reliable backend when Apple releases a 
new version of Mac OS X, whereas other backends may have to wait for updates to 
the 3rd-party libraries.



I think an objective comparison of features and performance between Agg and 
macosx would be a helpful place to start the discussion, just so we know what 
we're talking about here.  I seem to recall one of Michiel de Hoon's original 
motivations was performance, perhaps related to hardware rendering, but I 
haven't seen any solid numbers on that, and I didn't have a Mac at the time.
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