>>>>> "joris" == joris  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    joris> Hi, The following plot

    >>>> from numarray import * x = arange(80000) from pylab import
    >>>> plot,show plot(x,x) show()

    joris> and saving in postscript format generated a file of 1.5MB,
    joris> while the equivalent is only 288KB in xmgrace (another
    joris> plotting program). If I use plot(x,x,"k,"), this even leads
    joris> to a horrible 8.0MB. How come? I understand there is an
    joris> issue with the fonts, but this can't be the only
    joris> responsible, can it? Plotting no points, just a title, and
    joris> saving in postscript leads to a file size of only 133KB.

    joris> FWIW, I'm trying to make postscript plots using Python
    joris> 2.4.1, latest numarray, and matplotlib 0.83.2.

matplotlib embeds the truetype fonts directly into the postscript
file, so what you see on the screen is what you get in the ps file.
This is a feature and not a bug :-).  The file size ocst is fixed and
does not grow with plot size.  If you find these largish PS files
unpalatable, you can use native postscript fonts by setting

ps.useafm         : True    # use of afm fonts, results in small files

in your matplotlibrc file -- http://matplotlib.sf.net/matplotlibrc


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